The Senate vs. the House of Representatives Katie Thomas Stephanie Sheets
Majority/Minority Parties Senate: -Majority: Democrat - Minority: Republican House of Representatives: -Majority: Republican -Minority: Democrat
Leadership Positions Majority Leaders: Senate-Elected leader of the party that controls most of the seats. Is considered the most powerful member in the Senate. The House- Leader of the party that controls the most seats and is second in command of the Speaker of the House. Minority Leaders: Elected leader of the party that has the second highest representatives in the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Leadership Positions Majority Whip: - Assists the majority leader by keeping contact with all the members and to help coordinate ideas and write summaries of bills. Minority Whip: - Assists the Minority Leader by organizing the party on certain matters and to also keep contact with the party.
Senate Leadership Personnel President Pro Tempore: Daniel Inouye Majority Leader: Harry Reid Minority Leader: Mitch McConnell Majority Whip:Dick Durbin Minority Whip: Jon Kyl
House of Representatives Leadership Personnel Speaker of the House: John Boehner Majority Leader: Eric Cantor Minority Leader: Nacey Pelosi Majority Whip: Kevin McCarthy Minority Whip: Steny Hoyer
Qualifications and Terms Senate Must be 30 years old. Must be a U.S. Citizen for at least 9 years. Must live in the state they are elected in. Six years terms. House of Representatives Must be 25 years old. Must be a U.S. Citizen for at least 7 years. Must live in the state they are elected in. Two year terms.
Salary and Benefits Salary: Members of Congress earn $174,000 each year. Benefits: - Tax deductions. - All travel costs are covered. - Only need to pay small amounts for life and health insurance.
State Representatives Senate John Barrasso Michael Enzi House of Representatives Cynthia Lummis
Law Making Process A bill is introduced in either the House or the Senate. The bill is referred to either the House or Senate Committee. Referred to Subcommittee. Reported by Full Committee. Rules Committee action. Full debate s and votes on bill in House or Senate. Conference between House and Senate. House and Senate approval. Bill goes to President where it is either approved or denied.