Members of the House of Representatives 1. Speaker of the House
Speaker of the House The presiding officer of the House and most powerful leader Chosen from the Majority party Jobs: – Presides over the sessions of the House – Choose order in which Representatives speak – Appoints members of some committees – Schedules bills for action and proper House Committee
Members of the House of Representatives 1. Speaker of the House 2. Majority Leader
Majority Leader Chosen from majority party (leader of majority party) this is the 2 nd most powerful person in the house. Jobs: – House floor leader for majority party – Help plan the party’s legislative program – Steer important bills through the house – Makes sure the chairpersons of many of the committees work on bills for their political party
Members of the House of Representatives 1. Speaker of the House 2. Majority Leader 3. Minority Leader
Minority leader The responsibilities of these leaders are much the same as those of the majority party except they have no power over scheduling work in the house.
Members of the House of Representatives 1. Speaker of the House 2. Majority Leader 4. WhipWhip 3. Minority Leader 5. WhipWhip
Majority and Minority Whips Serve as assistants to the floor leaders. Jobs: – Persuade them to vote as the party wishes – See that the party members are present to vote.
Members of the House of Representatives 1. Speaker of the House 2. Majority Leader 4. Whip 6. deputy whip 4. Whip 3. Minority Leader 5. Whip 7. deputy whip Representatives 5. Whip
Deputy Whips Help Majority or Minority whips with party voting and attendance. Representative Regular members of the House - read and pass legislation. Serve on House committees.
Now… Get out your handout for “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”
Members of the Senate 1. Vice President of USA
Vice President President of the Senate Jobs: – Recognize members to speak on legislation and put questions to a vote – He / She is not an elected member of the senate and may not take part in senate debates – Cast votes in the event of a tie
Members of the Senate 1. Vice President 2. President Pro Tempore
President Pro Tempore Latin meaning “for the time being” The vice president is often called away to carry out his/ her other duties In absence of the VP the Pro Tempore presides over the senate. The senate elects the Pro Tempore from the Majority party
Members of the Senate 1. Vice President 3. Majority Leader 2. President Pro Tempore
Majority Leader Leader of majority party; this is the 3 rd most powerful person in the Senate. Jobs: – Senate floor leader – Help plan party’s legislative program – Steer important bills – Makes sure the chairpersons work on bills for their political party
Members of the Senate 1. Vice President 3. Majority Leader 4. Minority Leader 2. President Pro Tempore
Minority leader Much the same as majority party leader except they have no power over scheduling work in the Senate.
Members of the Senate 1. Vice President 3. Majority Leader 5. Whip 4. Minority Leader 6. Whip 2. President Pro Tempore
Majority and Minority Whips Serve as assistants to the floor leaders. Jobs: – Persuade them to vote as the party wishes – See that the party members are present to vote.
Members of the Senate 1. Vice President 3. Majority Leader 5. Whip 7. deputy whip 5. Whip 4. Minority Leader 6. Whip 8. deputy whip 9. Senators 6. Whip 2. President Pro Tempore
Deputy Whips Help Majority or Minority whips with party voting and attendance. Senators Regular elected members of the Senate - read and pass legislation. Serve on Senate committees.