Management & Leadership in Community Nursing RCN Career Fair 11 September 2013 Shirley Baah-Mensah Service lead & Consultant Leadership & Career success
Objectives To understand the concept of Management and leadership To understand the manager’s role in supporting nurses and protecting patients amid NHS reform and transition To acquire the techniques necessary for effective management & leadership in community nursing
Management Vs Leadership Management tells vision Leadership sells it makes rules breaks Makes decision facilitates Avoids conflict uses Uses existing road new Transactional Transformational Likes stability change Plans details sets directions
Management Vs Leadership Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Peter Drucker Warren Bennis
The need for good managers / leaders Flatter organisations Decreased number of managers New / innovative ways of working Self directed teams Personal computers / networks High stress environment
Influencing Factors External Internal Reorganisation Resilience Reconfiguration Focus Policy change Stability
Your role as a manager Manage & Develop capable teams Provide quality services to patients Improve services Build effective relationships within and across organisations Lead innovation and change Manage risk about own role and job
Self management Own learning and development Career aspirations Personal development plans for the future Health & well being
Leadership in nursing Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to achieve a common goal Kings Fund May 2011
Self Leadership Self Awareness Self Management Continuing Personal Development Acting with Integrity
Leadership Qualities
Professional leadership NHS leadership framework
Who are the leaders in your teams? Acts of leadership can come from anyone within your organisation and as a model it emphasises the responsibility of all staff in demonstrating appropriate behaviours, in seeking to contribute to the leadership process and to develop and empower the leadership capacity of colleagues.
Leading others Developing Networks Building and Maintaining Relationships Encouraging Contribution Working within Teams Encouraging creativity and diversity
Setting direction Identifying the Context for Change Applying Knowledge and Evidence Making Decisions Evaluating Impact Ensuring Patient Safety Critically Evaluating Encouraging Improvement and Innovation Facilitating Transformation
Great leaders have personal humility are professional motivated to produce sustainable results, Look out the window to attribute success, in the mirror when things go wrong Many people have the potential to be top leaders Most Leaders are in front of you!!
What next? Contact Shirley