Discover Natural Healing with Essential Oils Marge Bowen, Neuro-Energy Kinesiologist Balance – Therapeutic Massage and Wellness Center
What Are Essential Oils? “Live” natural essence and aromatic compounds found in plants Steam distilled or cold pressed extraction Powerful, safe benefits without side effects 50 to 70x more powerful than herbs (Oil sacs on peppermint leaf)
= ONE drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea! Essential oils are concentrated volatile compounds from plants.
Brief History of Essential Oils Used for 1,000+ yrs : Egypt, China, Greece, India, Mesopotamia Rediscovered in early 1900’s in France Widely used today in Europe, Australia and Asia Significant growth in U.S. Documented use for 1,000’s of years Egypt, China, Greece, India, Mesopotamia Rediscovered in early 1900’s in France Research emerged in late 1970’s Widely used today in Europe, Australia and Asia Significant growth in U.S. interest as Americans now looking for natural vs pharmaceutical approach for many common ailments
Powerful, Medicinal Properties of EOs Have Been Used for 1,000’s of Years! Analgesic Antibiotic Antibacterial Antidepressant Antifungal Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant Antiparasitic Antiseptic Antispasmodic Antiviral Astringent Decongestant Digestive Disinfectant Diuretic Expectorant Immune System Strengthener Sedative/Relaxant Stimulant
Your Own Medicine Cabinet May Surprise You! This is how many people take care of their “health” See anything you recognize from your “stash”? Over-the-Counter Remedies ? Herbal Remedies? Prescription products? Think about what you’ve invested that doesn’t work, or sits around expired! (REMOVE THIS SLIDE IF YOU DON’T WANT IT THERE) When I became familiar with some of health concerns essential oils could address instead more effectively and naturally than using over-the-counter remedies, herbal remedies and prescriptions…. I pulled my “stash” out of my medicine closet….and look what I found! This is just for 2 people…. stomach problems colds & flu asthma and allergy remedies warts & skin cracks antiseptics dental help pain relievers sunburn pain and insect bite relief WOW!!
Essential Oil Production Synthetic Perfume /Industrial Therapeutic Health Benefit Food GRAS Standard © 2008 DōTerra Intl, LLC Confidential and proprietary information. Unauthorized duplication strictly prohibited.
Highest Quality Essential Oils in the World CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE™ PURE—GCMS Testing – EVERY batch, EVERY time! NATURAL - 100% natural, no artificial ingredients, fragrances, or fillers SAFE—Certified to be free of pesticides and other chemical residues POTENT—Standardized active compounds Highest Quality Essential Oils in the World
Outbreaks Are On the Rise
THEY KILL VIRUSES AND BACTERIA Antibiotics cannot penetrate cell membrane Essential oils CAN penetrate cells to kill viruses and bacteria Bacteria are found on the outside of cell walls and Viruses are on the inside of the cells Regular antibiotics cannot penetrate the cell wall and so they only work on bacterial infections NOT on viruses. Essential Oils CAN penetrate the cell wall and are therefore effective against bacteria AND viruses. Studies show that some of the essential oils are 99.9% effective at killing viruses. (STORY)…..H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus….many people had it for 2-3 weeks. People who used Oregano, Melaleuca and OnGuard blend….and these were taken every few hours…after 48 hours all symptoms were GONE….the oils work SO well for viruses. Innoculations were taken, but
They Are Inexpensive & Work Quickly! CONDITION SOLUTION COST PER DOSE TIME Children’s Fever Peppermint Oil $.33 3 - 5 minutes Fever Medication $.50 30+ minutes Upset Stomach DigestZen Oil $.39 1 - 5 minutes Over-the-Counter $.70 15-30 minutes Ear Infection Lavender & Melaleuca Oil $.64 1 day used repeatedly Doctor’s Visit & Antibiotics $28.99 7 – 10 DAYS (Tell the story of one of these examples) Not only are the oils less expensive, but they act so quickly that they truly save time in healing and relieving symptoms It is SO important that you get the quality of oils that will work…natural, clean, pure for the health benefits. No side effects or additiction issues than ….work MORE effectively than traditional medicine.
4 Essential Oil Benefits to Remember doTERRA Oils are 100% Natural - CPTG More effective without the side effects Save time healing– they work quickly Save money - less expensive
3 Simple and Safe Models for Use Aromatic Diffusion Purify rooms or change emotion Diffuser – therapeutic bubble Kills microbes, shift mood Drop in hands Drop on tissue Spray on a surface or nearby Just open/smell from bottle Topical Application Apply directly to skin or in a carrier oil Internal Use In a capsule, under the tongue, in water or honey Very safe and gentle Keep out of eyes, ears, and nose Dilute with oil, not water Check for skin sensitivity with first time use
WILD ORANGE Uplifting Toner Calming & stress reduction, uplifting to spirits! Cold & flu – relieves colds, reduces fever Great disinfectant Digestive issues – acid reflux, stomach ache, heartburn, gastro-intestinal problems, calms stomach ---delicious in water antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, digestive, stimulant & sedative
FRANKINCENSE Support Body Systems Top oil being researched in US & Europe for anti-cancer properties… Stimulating and elevating to the mind Calming to overcome stress and depression Relaxes muscles Skin repair for dry, sensitive & mature skin acne, wrinkles, cuts, scarring (1-2% dilution with carrier oil) Stimulates respiratory system to slow & deepen breathing analgesic, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and sedative
EUCALYPTUS Cooling, Pain Reliever Opens up breathing, decongests, clears head, soothes inflammation Lowers fevers & body temperature – cooling to internal and external tissue Pain reliever – muscle aches, migraines, shingles, cold sores, herpes Disinfectant – living areas, surfaces Stimulating & refreshing Psychic cleaner - clears negative energy! Insect repellent – good for bug bites analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant and expectorant (familiar scent)
GRAPEFRUIT Cleansing & Revitalizing Weight loss aid- appetite suppressant Natural diuretic – promotes lymph flow Cold & flu – relieves colds, reduces fever – powerful antioxidant Raises the spirits - natural mood enhancer, uplifting aroma Disinfectant living areas & travel protection Dandruff & scalp problems antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, disinfectant and diuretic
LAVENDER All Things Calming Most versatile of all known essential oils. Calming, relaxing, mood elevating, and balancing. Stress relief – depression, headaches, migraines Soothes sensitive skin – acne, burns, bites, psoriasis Fights infection – cold & flu, throat, skin, wounds Reduces inflammation asthma, earaches, headaches, indigestion, insect bites, migraines, muscle pain, sore throat, stomach ache analgesic, antibiotic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, and sedative
LEMONGRASS Balances Emotion & Stress Balances emotions/increases focus, uplifting – good for studying or meditating Tightens & tones skin and connective tissue such as veins Lowers cholesterol (Univ of WI research) – internal, daily use Controls perspiration Strong astringent – great for oily skin Great insecticide – diffuse or wear Antifungal for athlete’s foot and nail fungus analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, antiseptic, astringent & sedative
LEMON and LIME Clean and Fresh Tasty in any food or beverage! Cold & flu – relieves coughs & colds, sore throats Disinfect surfaces of any kind Aids digestion – increases alkalinity, cleanses organs Calming & stress reduction – improves focus Lemon removes warts Repels insects & soothes bites antibacterial, antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, diuretic, disinfectant
MARJORAM Natural Vasodilator Similar properties to Oregano – powerful antibiotic Research: lowers blood pressure (topical) Dilates blood vessels Muscle relaxant/antispasmodic Headache relief Menstrual cramps Digestive relief – apply to stomach or ingest Respiratory relief – apply to chest, neck and major lymph nodes analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiviral, disinfectant, expectorant, sedative and stimulant
MELALEUCA First Aid for the Skin Kills bacteria, viruses, fungi on contact Powerful antiseptic for wounds, cuts, skin blemishes and rashes Scalp, dandruff and hair remedy Reduces inflammation – gums, shingles Disinfectant for living area, prevents spreading germs, including MRSA + H1N1 analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral and disinfectant
OREGANO Natural Immune Support Most powerful natural antibiotic Immune support – prevention or remedy: Take several drops in an empty gelatin capsule Dilute and apply to bottom of feet of kids and adults as a natural defense Use internally as part of a monthly cleansing regimen for GI health Candida Cleanse Recipe: Into a vegetable capsule 3 times a day for 2 weeks, add these dōTERRA oils: 4 drops Oregano 4 drops Lemon 4 drops Melaleuca Or try dōTERRA’s GX Assist product antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antiviral, disinfectant
PEPPERMINT Cools and Invigorates Relieves headache, muscle & joint pain Increases oxygen uptake Cools fever & hot flashes Stimulating! Restores focus Digestive aid for stomach upset analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, expectorant, and stimulant
CREATE HEALING CHANGE Balance Balance electrical energies in the body Aids Anxiety, ADHD, Hyperactivity, Nervousness Topical application Spruce, Rosewood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy Deep Blue Muscle & joint pain relief Relieves discomfort Topical application Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, German Chamomile, Helichrysum, Osmanthus
SHIFT EMOTION & MOOD Elevation Uplifting and mood elevating Serenity Aids in overcoming depression, hopelessness, lack of energy, stress Topical application Lavandin, Tangerine, Elemi, Lemon Myrtle, Melissa, Ylang Ylang, Osmanthus, Sandalwood Serenity Peaceful and calming Helps with anxiety, stress, sleep Topical application Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood, Sweet Marjoram, Ylang Ylang
PROTECT YOUR HEALTH Breathe Respiratory Support On Guard Natural recovery from Colds and Flu Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Congestion Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Ravensara On Guard Natural Immune Support Anti-microbial Preventative health model = daily application Topical and internal Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary
RELIEVE WHAT AILS YOU DigestZen PastTense Roll-On For discomfort, nausea or motion sickness Stomach ache, morning sickness, diarrhea, constipation Indigestion, heartburn, IBS, acid reflux Ginger, Peppermint, Tarragon, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, Anise PastTense Roll-On Blended to alleviate headaches and migraines Good for pain & tension of upper body Repeated use can cause sensitivity in skin Wintergreen, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Cilantro, Roman Chamomile, Marjoram, Basil, Rosemary
HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CHOICES Slim & Sassy- Metabolic Blend Manages appetite, lifts mood while dieting Helps move lymphatic system – toxin release Balances blood sugar levels to avoid binges Grapefruit, Lemon, Cinnamon, Ginger, Peppermint Purify Topical disinfectant Excellent for bug bites Diffuse to kill airborne pathogens Clears nasty aromas when diffused! Lemon, Lime, Pine, Citronella, Melaleuca, Cilantro
TRANSFORMING BLENDS Immortelle Blend Solace Blend Topical Anti-Aging Blend Protects and nourishes skin Reduces inflammation Supports skin at cellular level Creates smoother, more radiant and youthful skin Apply after toner, and before tightening serum Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum and Rose Solace Blend Monthly Blend for Women Balances endocrine system Thyroid support Addresses women’s health issue – women of all ages Menstrual cramping, Perimenopause, Menopause symptoms GOOD FOR MEN TOO! Clary Sage, Bergamot, Lavender, Fennel, Carrot Seed, Palmarosa, Chaste Berry
Great dōTERRA Products!
Get Well, Stay Well with Nutrition dōTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Pack Omega 3 & 6 with Essential Oils Anti-Oxidants Vitamins & Minerals 22 essential vitamins and minerals Powerful antioxidants fight free radicals Delivers important essential oils to our body Better absorption of omega fatty acids (Nanosomal Lipid Assimilation System) Healthier bones and joints calcium, magnesium, zinc & Vitamin D Promotes cardiovascular health “I have more energy” “I have less pain” “I am less anxious” “I get sick less often” “I sleep better” “I am more focused” © 2008 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC, Unauthorized duplication prohibited
Top 7 Benefits of Lifelong Vitality Pack Reduces inflammation Improves immune function Helps cells grow & multiply faster Increases energy, vitality and wellness Supports brain function & memory Improved digestion & metabolism Improves appearance of skin
Compare the Savings vs. $250 $74.50 (60PV) for the same ingredients doTERRA Over -The -Counter Save 45% via Loyalty Rewards vs. Retail Price $191.00 Wholesale Price $143.50 Loyalty Rewards (ASR Order) $74.50 (60PV) $250 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Full refund if not satisfied
HOW Do You Discover Natural Healing? Get a Reference Book Organized Alphabetically! Covers: SCIENCE HEALTH CONDITIONS HOW TO APPLY OILS AT-A-GLANCE CHARTS
OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN MORE right here in ARIZONA! doTERRA West Coast Conference May 10-11 Mesa, Arizona $79
Begin shifting mood & emotion with NATURE CHOOSE TO: Begin shifting mood & emotion with NATURE Empower yourself to care for your family’s needs Use the preventative, healing power of dōTERRA’s essential oils ---tested every batch, every time! Help the earth with a natural, plant-based health solution So, in summary tonight… You have a CHOICE in how you take care of your health and the health of your family. Choose to empower yourself to take healthy actions with dōTERRA essential oils. Apply the right oil solution to each need through learning more about the oils. Connect with those you love as you apply the oils. And help yourselves by building your natural immunity.
Choices for Purchasing Your Own Oils Retail Customer Purchase products at full retail price No commitment or obligation Wholesale Membership Enrollment Kit Purchase required ($35 or $150 - $2,200 as a kit) 25% discount from retail • $100PV/mo for commissions
WHOLESALE MEMBERSHIP + LOYALTY REWARDS PROGRAM 25% DISCOUNT OFF RETAIL PRICES 10%- 30% FREE LOYALTY REWARDS CREDITS Retail Profit Fast Start Bonus Power of Three Bonus Unilevel Bonus Leadership Performance Pools 2 FREE WEBSITES 1 for ordering, 1 for buyers Since most people decide to buy at Wholesale, let me explain what you get after you buy your initial Family Physician Kit as an Enrollment Kit: You get 25% off of all retail prices You can earn another 10-30% in free product credits with our REWARDS program You can sponsor other wholesale members and earn sales commissions You’ll get 2 free websites – one where people buy their products from you, and one where you place your own wholesale orders Of course, you will also hear about a LOT of great new promotions on products that are offered regularly.
LOYALTY REWARDS PROGRAM Best Way to Buy Products Each Month! Earn FREE Products with EACH order! Completely Optional Flexible dates Most people choose to take advantage of it $100 PV monthly qualifies you for commissions FREE Additional Monthly Gift - Product of the Month Club I’d like to take a few minutes to explain the GREAT benefits of dōTERRA’s Rewards program. Purpose of Rewards program is to make sure you never run out of the supplements and oils that you need. By participating in Autoship REwards, you earn an increasing amount of free products each month as a reward…10% months 1-3 up to 30% after 13 months. The REWARDS program is similar to a cable TV or magazine subscription but has FAR more benefits! With an Autoship of $100+ PV, you get another benefit: you qualify for bonuses such as the Fast Start Bonus,the Power of Three Bonus and the Unilevel bonus. If you are not on $100 Autoship REWARDS , you lose out on these bonuses and commissions. You can change the order and the date your order is sent to you each month if you want so you can build your collection of oils and replace oils you use frequently, each month. Your credit card is charged ON the date it ships. Products are delivered right to your door via FedEx Ground. If you choose to start taking the Lifelong Wellness Supplements I mentioned, you’ll get a 40% discount. dōTERRA’s REWARDS program is a great way to SAVE and add the products you want over time.
Deeper Discounts with Loyalty Rewards! Shift your money to doTERRA cleaning products, supplements & personal care products and receive FREE Product Credit on orders as little as 50 PV. If your order is 125 PV and set to ship by the 15th you also receive the FREE Product of the Month. Use your FREE Product Credit to replace oils as you run out or to add new oils to your collection. After 13 months you receive 30% back each month in FREE Product Credit!
Why Now? NATIONAL TRENDS DIY World – GMOs, Agrifarming High Tech/High Touch Side effects of medications Health trends – obesity, heart, COSTS! Overprescription of antidepressants, ADHD? Many seeking meaningful income opportunity A key aspect to successfully working with a company is growth and timing.
Why dōTERRA? Explain that one of the most important factors that determine the success of any company is it’s leadership. Local Leadership Recognize
There are many ways to make money with doTERRA. We will talk about one of them.
Rewarding Compensation Plan as a Home-Based Business Pay for your oils “hobby”: $100-$500 per month 2-3 hours a week Part-time employment: $500 - $5,000 per month 10 – 20 hours a week Full-time income: $5,000 - $50,000 per month 40+ hours a week Weekly and Monthly Bonuses and Commissions Leadership Bonus Pools
3 Easy Steps To Get Started 1 – Choose a Kit and SAVE 2 – Select a Monthly LOYALTY REWARDS Order 3 - Purchase a Modern Essentials and Emotions Book (At this point make sure that you help people sign up and answer any questions that people have as they are filling out the form.)
Every Oil Kit -$1525 Saves $174 + 200 Free Product Credits + 20% LRP
Premium Kit -$515 Saves $47 + 100 Free Product Credits + 15% LRP
Home Essentials Kit $250 Saves $41 below wholesale Choose a Kit Home Essentials Kit $250 Saves $41 below wholesale
SPECIAL OFFER TONIGHT FOR ATTENDEES! Choose an IPC/Wholesale Kit of $235/200+PV and receive a 2 FREE ITEMS! DEEP BLUE RUB and a 10ml bottle of DEEP BLUE Pain-Relieving Roll-On (Retail Value $124+)
SPECIAL CONVENTION OFFER! Save $25 on your CONVENTION TICKET! We have a limited number of 2013 convention tickets available TONIGHT for $125! (doTERRA sells them at $150 until June 1) See Marge or Marty for details!
Marty Harger, Diamond IPC 801-712-5406 Thank you for your kind attention! I hope you will join us in healing the world naturally with doTERRA Essential Oils Marty Harger, Diamond IPC 801-712-5406
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