Australian Medical Council an independent national standards body for medical education and training (amongst other things) Emeritus Professor Laurie Geffen
Outline History of medical governance in Australia Main functions of the AMC Overview of training pathways to registration Does the AMC have a future?
A brief history of medical professional governance in Australia State Registration Boards sole authorities State Registration Boards sole authorities 1914 Three issues on national reform agenda 1914 Three issues on national reform agenda Accreditation of medical education Accreditation of medical education Assessment of overseas trained doctors Assessment of overseas trained doctors Uniformity of registration policies Uniformity of registration policies Australian General Medical Council with all three functions Australian General Medical Council with all three functions Advisory Medical Council of Australia for accreditation only Advisory Medical Council of Australia for accreditation only Australian Medical Council acquires tripartite functions Australian Medical Council acquires tripartite functions Australian Medical Council acquires 2 more functions Australian Medical Council acquires 2 more functions Accreditation of specialist training Accreditation of specialist training Advice on recognition of new specialities Advice on recognition of new specialities COAG adopts a national health registration process COAG adopts a national health registration process State Boards to be superseded State Boards to be superseded AMC’s future role undecided AMC’s future role undecided
Current functions of the Australian Medical Council 1. Accredits Australian and New Zealand medical courses 2. Assesses international medical graduates 3. Advises Medical Boards on uniform approaches to the registration of medical practitioners (and maintains a national network of State and Territory medical registers) 4. Accredits Australasian specialist medical training 5. Advises Government on the recognition of new medical specialties
1: Accreditation of medical schools st edition guidelines: 10 medical schools accredited nd edition guidelines :review of 2 New Zealand schools rd edition guidelines: 2 stage process, major changes th edition guidelines: alignment with WFME standards new medical schools accredited, 2 under review
2: Assessment of International Medical Graduates State and Territory Medical Boards COPQ ( Department of Immigration ) AMEC independent examining body 1985 AMC Examinations Committee NASQAC/ SRACs Specialist Pathway 1993 AMC /Colleges Specialist Pathway 2007 COAG/AMC /Board IMG Assessment Competent Authorities pathway Competent Authorities pathway AMC Standard pathway AMC Standard pathway AMC\College Specialist pathways AMC\College Specialist pathways
3: State /National Uniformity in Registration State and Territory Boards unique legislation and processes 1987 AMC Uniformity Committee 1992 State and trans Tasman mutual recognition legislation 1995 National Compendium of Medical Registers (NCMR) 2000 Joint Medical Boards Advisory Committee (JMBAC) 2005 Australian Index of Medical Practitioners (AIMP) 2006 Productivity Commission Report on the Health Workforce 2008? National Health Practitioners Registration body
4: Accreditation of specialist medical training (including continuing professional development) Autonomous Specialist Colleges defined entry criteria, training and assessments 2001 AMC forms Specialist Education Accreditation Committee Existing Colleges accredited (11) 2006 Minister dissolves NASQAC/SRACs
5: Recognition of new medical specialties 2002 AMC Speciality Recognition Advisory Committee established to provide advice to Federal Health Minister after 2-stage process to provide advice to Federal Health Minister after 2-stage process Two new specialities approved thus far Two new specialities approved thus far Pain medicine Pain medicine Palliative medicine Palliative medicine Two new specialities have passed Stage 1 Two new specialities have passed Stage 1 Addiction medicine Addiction medicine Sport and Exercise medicine Sport and Exercise medicine Three new specialities under review Three new specialities under review Sexual health Sexual health Rural and remote medicine Rural and remote medicine Cosmetic surgery Cosmetic surgery
Medical education and training in Australia STAGEPROVIDER QUALITY ASSURANCE Basic Medical schools (19) 4 to 6 year courses Australian Medical Council National accreditation Pre- vocational State Health Departments (8) 2 or more years Postgraduate Medical Councils State-based accreditation Post - graduate Specialist Colleges (14 ) 3 to 7 years Australian Medical Council National accreditation Continuing professional development Specialist Colleges (14 ) Career long Australian Medical Council National accreditation
International Medical Graduate Pathways Standard Standard Competent Authorities Specialist Specialist MCQ + clinical exam or MCQ + work place assessment > AMC certificate Advanced standing + workplace assessment > AMC certificate AMC documentation + college assessment + workplace assessment> College fellowship Credential verification English test Screening exam Structured clinical interview Structured orientation Continuing professional development
Does the AMC have a future? National body on standards of medical training and practice Unmatched expertise in Australia in processes of quality assurance Unmatched experience in Australia in IMG assessment Experience in compiling a national medical register Pioneer in formation of international medical regulatory body Leading role in international bodies on medical education