THE HEALER’S ART The Institute for the Study of Health and Illness at Commonweal
A STUDENT SPEAKS… “Medical school is deteriorating to the soul and we desperately need skills that help us not only survive the process, but grow as human beings. I am so grateful that The Healer’s Art was created and that I was able to participate.”
Developed by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD Taught at UCSF School of Medicine since 1992 Taught at 70 medical schools in USA, Canada, Israel, Slovenia, Taiwan, Australia & India Research published in peer reviewed journals and national media HISTORY
Both pre-clinical and clinical elective formats Strengthens professional affiliation and identity Educational strategy based on the Discovery Model Draws on theory from cognitive, humanistic, Jungian and contemplative psychology ABOUT THE CURRICULUM
Create a community of shared values among medical students, and between medical students and faculty Protect against cynicism, depression and the loss of commitment to service Develop the capacity to derive lifelong meaning from medical practice COURSE GOALS
Provide students with tools for maintaining personal and professional satisfaction Clarify professional values and commitment Validate self-reflection and self-care Remind faculty of their joy of teaching COURSE GOALS, cont.
Medical education informs and transforms Meaning and values underlie professional behavior and commitment Integrating professionalism into personal identity requires a safe learning environment Students enter medical school with a genuine commitment to healing and service In a community of inquiry, students and faculty make equally valuable contributions UNDERLYING EDUCATIONAL THEORIES
The Healer’s Art Curriculum (2 formats): 15-hour elective for MS1 and MS2 students in a five session format. 6-hour elective for MS3 and MS4 students in a two session or day retreat format. COURSE STRUCTURE
RESEARCH & EVALUATION Coordinated by the Center for the Study of The Healer’s Art since 2005 Directed by Michael W. Rabow, MD Ongoing research and evaluation of national data Qualitative and quantitative research methods Longitudinal, and multi-institutional research
EVALUATION OUTCOMES Analysis of National Course Evaluations 23 of 25 schools reporting 72% (489 of 680) of students reporting 50.1% (88 of 174) of faculty reporting
Students rated course quality as 4.47 on a 5-point scale Students and faculty reported important learnings NOT available elsewhere in curriculum (4.59 and 4.76 respectively) Students reported using content from the course both professionally (65.7%) and personally (73.3%) Faculty reported using content from the course both professionally (75.0%) and personally (79.5%) Age, gender, medical school and school year not associated with differences in evaluation of the course utility or uniqueness. EVALUATION OUTCOMES continued
STUDENTS EVALUATE THE COURSE THE HEALER’S ART: “…helps us to remember what is important/what matters most to us, and why we decided to become physicians in the first place.” “…is truly unlike any other class or small group experience in medical school.” “…provides a unique type of interaction between students and faculty.”
THE HEALER’S ART: “…helps medical students not to forget their humanity and themselves, not to forget the part that makes you, you.” “…taught me that practicing medicine can be a process of continual growth and discovery.” “…taught me how healing just listening can be.” MORE STUDENTS EVALUATE THE COURSE
Grant supported and copyrighted Faculty training required before implementation Faculty Training Workshops and Resource Guides support curriculum implementation Free ongoing consultation and support available An established and growing network of faculty and associate deans For more information, contact or visit