Secrets of the Mummies Sequence of Events
Student Objectives Locate and interpret specific information by organizational features of different types of text. Before, During, After reading strategies.
Sequence of Events The sequence of events is the order of events in a passage. Keeping track of ordered events helps you get a clearer picture of what the author is describing. Look for signal words such as first, then, next and after.
Before Reading Preview the passage Read the title Based on the title what could this passage be about? Scan the first sentence of every paragraph? What have you learned about the topic? Write down any vocabulary you do not know from the first and last sentences in each paragraph.
During Reading Read the passage “Secrets of the Mummies” As you read it, identify the signal words, underline them. Fill out the Graphic Organizer on the back of the handout.
After Reading List the steps to making a mummy. Draw the graphic organizer First Next Then Finally List the steps to making a mummy.
Possible Answers First, embalmers removed the large internal organs. Next, the mummy is packed and covered with natron, a salt, which would dry it out. Then, they covered the mummy with a gummy substance called resin. Finally, they wrapped it in bandages, usually placing jewelry and charms between the layers of cloth to protect the body in the afterlife.
After Reading--Optional Draw the following graphic organizer. Fill chart in with the words from the section “How to Make a Mummy.” Define the words using the context of the story. Making Mummies
Specialized Vocabulary Secrets of the Mummies Specialized Vocabulary
Specialized Vocabulary Specialized vocabulary words are words that relate to a particular field of study such as stethoscope. A stethoscope is an instrument a doctor uses to listen to a heart.
Before Reading Let’s look at the following words: Mummy Egyptian Preserve Pyramid All of these words relate to the study of ancient Egypt. How do you know that? (It helps them describe their findings and research in specific ways.)
During Reading Scan the first paragraph of “Secrets of the Mummies” Look/underline 3 words that relate to mummies Using context clues, define each word. If there are no clues use a dictionary.