The Swedish experience Alcohol information - prevention at the Antenatal Clinics Catharina Zätterström Midwife, vice president of the Swedish Association for Midwives
A good start
Antenatal Clinics Almost 100 % of pregnant women attend a clinic during pregnancy Basic programme: 8-9 check-ups starting from pregnancy week 6-10 The care for the healthy woman with a normal pregnancy is provided by midwives If complications arise other professionals, like psycians, social counsellers etc are consulted
What can the midwife do? Inform about alcohol och risks for the unborn child Identify harmful consumtion Motivate to change life style
Informing the pregnant women Started in the beginning of 1980s The main purpose was to inform the women about the risks and to convey the message no alcohol during pregnancy Standardized medical record included questions about the woman's alcohol consumtion 3 months before pregnancy, at admission and in pregnancy week 32 3 alternative answers “never, seldom”, “less than once a week” and “more often than once a week”
What happened during the 1990s? Women who gave birth got older Increasing alcohol consumption. More women drink heavier and more frequently Clinical experience and later studies showed that a considerable fractions of pregnant women continued to drink during pregnancy Midwife Mona Göransson began her studies ”Alcohol consumption during pregnancy: How do we separate myth from reality” Thesis in 2004
Better ways to identify harmful consumtion In the beginning of 2000 M. Göransson introduced AUDIT – the pregnant woman Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test TLFB – the unborn child Time Line Follow Back
Audit Screening alcohol habits before the pregnancy Introducing a written memo how to handle women with a risky consumption and women with misuse. 2008 All antenatal clinics in Sweden used Audit
The Risk drinking project Commissioned by the Government Started in 2004 12 sub projects Education in Primary Health Care
Strategy Using the general Health Care System as an arena Forceful economic support by Government Close cooperation with the professional associations Strong focus on education and networking
Focus Risky consumption Addiction None or little consumption Misuse Problems begin Increasing problems No problems NumbersNumbers
Motivate to change life style The Risk drinking project started training in Motivational Interviewing M.I. In Stockholm area all midwives are offered a 3-days education in M.I. with 1 follow up-day 3 months later. This is financed by the government. Similar education is provided all over the country
M.I. Motivational Interviewing Motivational interviewing is a client-centered, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence
Stages of change Prochaska&Di Clemente Not ready Ambivalent ready action maintenance
M.I. Some principles Show empathy Listen to your patient/client Develop discrepancy Reduce resistence Support self-reliance
% of the pregnant women had been drinking % % (Göransson et al, K.I. Inquiries from Stockholm area) Drinking during pregnancy
Anonymous questionnaire to all pregnant women one week November 2008 5298 respondents Women from pregnancy week 5-42 Women from all over Sweden Ages from 19 years and younger to 40+. Largest group years of age 33% 97% of the women had heard the message from the midwife “No alcohol during pregnancy” 8% of the women had been drinking alcohol during pregnancy (M.Holmqvist University of Linköping)
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