© Crown copyright 2006 Science subject leader development materials: Summer 2006 Securing progression: Planning routes through a broad landscape, part 2
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Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright 2006 Objectives To help science subject leaders secure progression in science departments through: establishing clear learning expectations for all pupils at the beginning of Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 taking appropriate actions to lead improvements in how their teachers plan for progression
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright 2006 Outcomes Participants will have: revisited the steps towards improving progression that have been discussed in the two previous meetings, and linked them into a planning and review cycle discussed and identified the importance of levelness in securing progression, and the key scientific ideas as a tool for establishing clear learning expectations at the beginning of Year 7 and into Key Stage 4 decided on the next step to take in leading their department in establishing procedures to secure progression throughout Key Stage 3 and into Key Stage 4
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright 2006 Securing the bigger picture of progression Just as levels and the idea of levelness help to visualise the contours of the landscape of progression, so the programme of study maps out its breadth The key scientific ideas and the yearly teaching objectives can be used to map the important landmarks and the pathways between them
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright 2006 Task 1: Discussion activity Read through Chapter 2 of the Framework for teaching science Years 7, 8 and 9 How do the statements about what pupils have experienced by the end of Year 6 relate to the experience in your own school (and what is your evidence for this)? To what extent does your scheme of work for Year 7: build on ‘where your pupils are in science’ at the start of Year 7? underpin future progression in using scientific enquiry and the key scientific ideas? What is your evidence for this? How can you use Chapter 2 of the Framework to help improve continuity from Year 6 into Year 7 in your department?
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright 2006 Task 2: Discussion activity Planning for progression between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Work in pairs or threes Use the information in the Framework to write a short ‘By the end of Year 9…’ statement for scientific enquiry and/or one of the key scientific ideas Which parts of the Key Stage 4 programme for science, if taught early in Year 10, might best build on these to help to secure further progression?
Secondary National Strategy Science © Crown copyright 2006 The next step It is imperative that progression is planned for and secured in every science department, but the rate at which that can happen depends on: what is manageable and sustainable what resources (time, people, support) are available clear leadership What is your next step towards securing progression in your own department?