Environment Save the Environment and you will Save the Life and Future.
Current situation in the city center Garbage Security Space Green?
Garbage More dustbins The city can give benefits when People have less garbage encourage large companies to use less of packing
Security More security officers in plain clothes A logo that show that a park is safe proper maintenance of the park = more security
Place the cities have more space required to post parks
Green? we need to find parks easily, so they should be better identified
Interview: Patrick said : Live in Brussels Take the bus or walk Wouldn’t change anything Green = important for relaxing and time for myself Environmentally conscious
Intervieuw: Patrick Francis : Take the bus Not important from where the water that I drink come from Buy his product on the market (fresh)
European Parliament Brussels consists of 27 countries (incl. Belgium and italy) Includes 751 members ( representatives) every member is in a party where he stands for ( European People's Party ( EPP), Party of European Socialists (PES),European Liberal Democrats)…
…the european parliament is composed of several committees include commission environmentally management, those commissions try to solve the problems that are quit important for the population
Geomobiel Used to recognize: buildings, vegetation, water by use of a satellite we can: See the size of the population in the different zones See here the people with more money live