The effect of the Great Depression on America and Canada were proven to be very similar. America was effected more due to the fact that it was an internal depression but Canada trailed closely behind due to their relations.
Stock Market Boom › A lot of inclination President Hoover › No belief in forceful rule of government over economy National Division › French vs. English
Canada › Worse depression: severity, scope, and length › Paired with severe droughts in Canada Berkley - Similar
Crash of 1929 Social › Family farm suffered along with the rest of the economy › Lowered sense of self worth › Marriages were postponed and birth rates declined › Immigration fluctuated Economic › Imports fell by 25% › Exports fell by 55% › Wheat prices fell by 75% › Unemployment reached 27% › Canadians on relief - 20%
Crash of 1929 › Black Tuesday › Final decrease in confidence › Small investor devastation Social › Relief not provided › Scavenging › Dust Bowl Economic › Unemployment 50, 60, 80 › Gross National Production 50
United States Global Relations Effects › High Unemployment › Housing › Stock Market