Meet the Leadership Team
BI S SESSES 4 th g r. BESBES 5 th g r. OC ES 5 th g r. Joining BIS
Friendly Faces Nurses
Officer Hutchinson
Our School Counselors Mrs. Bankert and Mr. Call
Counseling Services are preventive and available to all students at Berlin Intermediate School. Counselors work with children in extensive ways: Individual Counseling Group Counseling Monthly Classroom Guidance lessons Consultation with parents Consultation with teachers 504 Case Managers Career Development and Exploration Resource to outside agencies and family support
PBIS/”It’s All About Attitude” -Positive Behavior Recognition Blow the Whistle on a BULLY - Bully/Bystander Awareness Prevention & Resolution 6th Grade Peer Mediation Student/Staff Mentoring, etc. Implementing School-wide Programs
A day at School… Arrive before 7:50am but no earlier than 7:35 *Stay in cafeteria until dismissed *Breakfast is provided Lunch is 25 minutes with team Recess is also 25 minutes with team 4 th and 5 th grade have 1 hour of Specials (A/B day) Dismissal is at 2:30
4 th grade Life Terrapins Mrs. Schiffer Ms. Straight Mrs. Lovell Mrs. Parker Ms. Potetz Mrs. Chapman Mrs. Hundley
Language Arts The students have the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. There is an emphasis on writing.
Math Students will learn to solve problems, but more so, will understand what the problem means.
Social Studies and Science (Your child will have another teacher for Science or Socials- follows bi-weekly schedule) Science is great fun with a lot of hands on activities. We will cover earth science and electricity. Curriculum covers bus safety, Maryland, and geography of the United States.
Gentle Reminders Please continue to read with your child over the summer break! Please work with your child over the summer to help them learn their basic multiplication facts! These reminders will help them succeed in our challenging curriculum!
Pam Massey – Curriculum Coordinator (Leadership Team)
College and Career Ready Every changing society ~ Students can move along through college and careers and be successful! In the past, students have struggled with reading - meaningful vocabulary - writing persuasive arguments - reading and comprehending college textbooks/technical manuals Change was needed!
The Changes… Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards Reading: - students are reading rich, engaging texts - gathering information from several sources - writing to answer a prompt - gathering information by listening Math: - digging deeper into concepts - using hands-on approaches Students are investigating like scientists and reading like historians!
Teacher Preparation Attending workshops Spending hours planning together Attending conferences Watching webinars Researching instructional strategies Being well prepared!
The Culmination Summative Assessment Performance Based End of Year (March) (April) The specifics… All online Reading multiple selections Writing Multiple choice End of year: ALL multiple choice
After School Program Fantastic Program! 4 days a week 2:45-4:45 Snack Bus transportation Enrichment Remediation Technology Sports The Arts HW assistance
The Tools… Open House: Thursday, Aug. 28 th from 9:00am-11:00am Lockers: Lots of practice and help! Newsletter and Website: Plethora of information and the website is updated all summer Visit:
Agendas: sent home on first day – filled with information and guidelines Electronics: Allowed in the building Cell phones – turned off & in locker Electronics – at discretion of teacher Discipline: Teachers handle what is appropriate
Bullying “Blow the Whistle on a Bully” School-Wide Initiative No Bully Zone School Communication Open Door Policy
Bus Schedules – Information comes out end of summer and at Open House Parents may submit teacher requests to the office Student placement will not be on report card – received in August with supply lists