Breeds of Beef Cattle
The Beef Industry ã ãProduces 45% of all livestock cash receipts. ã ãAn average person may consume 100 or more lbs. Of beef per year. ã ãMost beef eaten in the USA is raised in the USA
Why Raise Beef Cattle? ç çCattle consume roughage & may graze pasture. ç çLess labor than other industries, such as dairy l l Beef cattle do not need to essentially be fed every single day. ç çUseful in both large and small operations. ç çMeat ”beef” is in constant demand by consumers.
Disadvantages to raising beef cattle… ãA producer can take on several risks by raising beef cattle. çDependence on grain prices. çDependence on mother nature. ãBeef cattle are not as efficient growers as other livestock – pigs. ãA beef cow has a gestation period of 283-days – can only get one offspring in one year. ãCost of starting a beef operation is expensive. çCattle, equipment, facilities/land, etc.
Angus ãHistory: ç çOriginated from Scotland. ç çImported to Kansas in ç çSuited well to Midwestern climate. ç çToday are found in every state in the USA. ã ãBreed Characteristics ç çBlack in color, smooth hair coat; also Red Angus ç çPolled ç çGood carcass with well-marbled meat
Charolais ã History çOne of the oldest French breeds; central France. çImported to Mexico in l Then imported to Texas in 1936 ãBreed Characteristics çWhite to light blonde in color, pink skin çLarge and very well-muscled çHorned çBulls: 2,000-2,500 lbs.; cows: 1,500-1,800 lbs
Hereford (horned & polled) ã History çOriginated in Hereford, England; polled in Iowa, çFirst USA herd (horned) in New York in ãBreed Characteristics çWhite faces with red, curled hair. çhorned çVery hardy and excellent foragers. çWhite pattern is dominant in cross breeding.
Polled Hereford
Limousin ãHistory çOriginated in France 7,000 years ago. çBreed Association formed in çSemen imported to USA from Canada in ãBreed Characteristics çLight yellow color with lighter circles around eyes. çLight colored skin. çLean carcasses with large loin eye area. çPolled
Shorthorn (polled and horned) ã History çOriginated in northern England, about çImported to Virginia in ã Breed Characteristics çRed, White, or roan (mix of red and white) coat. çDocile breed çExcellent milking capability. çPolled or horned
Shorthorn Bull
Brahman ã History çDeveloped in southwestern USA. çClosely related to Zebu, or Bos indicus cattle (India). çUsed mostly for crossbreeding. ã Breed Characteristics çCharacteristic “hump” over shoulder. çLight or medium gray coat color. çLarge, drooping ears and loose skin.
Brangus ãHistory çA result of a cross of Brahman and Angus. çCrosses made as early as 1912 in Louisiana. çRed Brangus developed in Texas in ãBreed Description çSolid black or red in color. çPolled çGood mothering ability & feed efficiency.
Brangus (Red or Black)
Texas Longhorn ãHistory çOriginated from cattle brought from Columbus. çCattle escaped and existed in the wild. çAlmost became extinct by çUSA congress funded a purebred herd. ãBreed Characteristics çMany different colors and shadings. çHorns spreading 4 feet or more. çAre able to survive on sparse pasture.
Texas Longhorn
Simmental ã History çOriginated in Switzerland in the middle ages. çMost popular breed in Europe. çBrought to USA in ã Breed Characteristics çWhite to light straw faces, with dark red bodies. çHorned çDocile
Maine-Anjou ãHistory çNW part of France l Imported into North America via Canada in 1969 ãBreed Characteristics çColor was originally reddish with white markings on head, belly, rear legs & tail (similar to Shorthorn) çNOW…..color is mainly black with white markings çDual-purpose breed çPolled
Maine Anjou