Time to introduce the new person you met!. University Lawless Club BOARD MEETING March 28, 2009 – 1:30 p.m. Nara Ya Walad Hookah Bar REMINDER!!!


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Presentation transcript:

Time to introduce the new person you met!

University Lawless Club BOARD MEETING March 28, 2009 – 1:30 p.m. Nara Ya Walad Hookah Bar REMINDER!!!

When a member of the Board is consistently late to a meeting, should the presiding officer:

1) Start on Time 2) Wait for the Board Member 3) Buy another round

Meeting Continues…

When should the agenda ideally be distributed?

1) At the Meeting 3) 2 days before the meeting 4) 2 weeks prior to the meeting 2) When the President feels like it

Meeting Continues…

The recommended time for Minutes to be distributed is:

1) A week after the meeting 2) Within 30 days 3) 10 days prior to the next meeting 4) When there’s a full moon

Meeting Continues…

When there is an apparent conflict of interest, should the person?

1) Recuse themselves from the discussion 2) Disclose the conflict to the Board 3) Bribe your fellow board members Talk but don’t vote 4)

Meeting Continues…

According to Roberts Rule, can a 2 nd motion be made when one is presently on the table?

3) When he/she feels like it 4) When there’s a tie 1) Never 2) It’s the custom of the Board to allow for it.

Meeting Continues… WAZWAZ AWARD ‘08

According to Roberts Rule, the presiding officer can make a motion when:

2) When there are less than 12 Board members present 4) When there’s a tie 1) Never 3) When he/she feels like it

Meeting Continues…

What’s wrong with this discussion?

1) Nothing 2) Over the allotted discussion time 4) 3) Facts are Inaccurate It’s Out of Control

Meeting Continues…

What did the board miss before adjourning the meeting?

1) Discuss weekend plans 2) Review Action items 3) Divide up the beer bill 4) Summarize achievements 5) Thank the board members

Did You know? LCN offers tips on how to conduct an effective meeting in your welcome packet. See the Red Pamphlet

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