1311A.1 Club Leadership Training Session Achieving Success As President.


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Presentation transcript:

1311A.1 Club Leadership Training Session Achieving Success As President

 Help officers clearly understand their roles.  Provide a point of reference.  Aid members when evaluating candidates for office.  Facilitate communication when expectations differ. 1 Standards for Success

 Ensure club officers meet officer and meeting standards.  Search for leaders.  Ensure all club offices are filled for the succeeding term.  Conduct timely elections.  Prepare successor for office. 2 Outside the Club Meeting Develop and Improve Club Leadership

 Oversee the administrative operation of the club.  Schedule and chair the monthly executive committee meetings. 3 Outside the Club Meeting Club Administration

 Oversee the plan to achieve Distinguished Club program goals.  Ensure the club is Distinguished.  Ensure an ongoing membership-building program.  Promote CC, AC, CL, and AL awards. 4 Outside the Club Meeting Advance Club and Member Achievement

 Attend and vote the club’s proxy at district council meetings (or authorize a club member to do so).  Attend the International Convention and vote the club’s proxy (or send the proxy to the district governor).  Maintain relationships with the district and with World Headquarters. 5 Outside the Club Meeting Effective Interaction with Other Organization Levels

 Ensure the meeting starts and ends on time.  Warmly and enthusiastically greet guests.  Speak with guests before and after the meeting.  Read and display the club mission at every meeting.  Discuss the Distinguished Club Program.  Recognize member achievements.  Report on the “Moments of Truth” the club is achieving. 6 At the Club Meeting

 Set realistic and attainable goals.  Plan how to accomplish the goals.  Delegate tasks as needed.  Monitor progress toward goals.  Coach team members when necessary. 7 Your Leadership Opportunity

1.Understand what motivates each person. 2.Focus on the benefit to the individual. 3.Make expectations clear. 4.Recognize their work. 5.Be a leader. 8 Your Leadership Opportunity Five Steps of Motivation

1.Decide what to delegate 2.Decide who will do the task 3.Assign responsibility 4.Grant authority 5.Establish accountability 9 Your Leadership Opportunity Five Steps of Delegation

1.Lack of confidence in others 2.Fear of losing control 3.Selfishness 4.Insecurity 5.Reluctance 1010 Your Leadership Opportunity Barriers to Delegation

1.Agree that a problem exists. 2.Discuss solutions. 3.Agree on an action. 4.Follow up. 11 Your Leadership Opportunity Four Steps to Coaching

 Making the club enjoyable  All club business  All administrative issues  Ensuring the club is in the DCP 12 The Executive Committee Every member is responsible for:

Typical expenses:  Preparation of the club newsletter  Expense for a Web server  Trophies, ribbons, and certificates  Administrative supplies  Promotional material  Educational material  Speech contest material  Postage  Special events 13 The Executive Committee Create a Club Budget

Typical revenues:  Member dues  Donations  Fundraising 14 The Executive Committee Create a Club Budget

15 The Executive Committee Complete a Club Success Plan

Three steps: 1.State the purpose of the meeting. 2.Inform participants about the meeting. 3.Develop an agenda. 16 The Executive Committee Conduct Productive Committee Meetings

 Purchase manual for display.  Discuss evaluations.  Educate mentors.  Track progress.  Include manual in “sales pitch.” 17 Communication and Leadership Development Tips for Integrating CL Manual

1.Assign CL evaluators at every meeting. 2.Require that members bring their CL manuals. 3.Display the CL manual at every meeting. 4.Recognize when members complete CL manual projects. 5.Work with the VPE to promote CL at each club meeting. 18 Communication and Leadership Development 10 Tips for Using CL Manual

6.Include accreditations for both tracks in all correspondences. 7.Post the CL Achievement Chart during meetings. 8.Ask members to perform and receive evaluations on at least three meeting roles for each speech presented. 9.Remind the club members to bring CL manuals on the club Web site and newsletter. 10.Ask each member who achieves the CL award to mentor a new member. 19 Communication and Leadership Development

 Discuss the club mission.  Discuss successful club characteristics.  Ask the area governor how to meet the needs of members and how to measure results.  Requests that he or she perform a sample manual speech.  Review the Toastmasters program.  Identify prospective district leaders in your club Role of the Area Governor

A responsibility and a privilege 21