Weather, Season, and Climate By : Yan Yulius
Earth and the Sun At first earth is rotating on its axis straight 0 degrees toward the sun Then big meteor hit the earth and it is tilted exactly 23 degrees toward the sun. It changes everything. It create life on earth because the sun reach parts of earth in different effects. Therefore earth have weather, season and climate which create life.
Weather Whatever situation happen outdoors in a given place at a given time. It can change from minutes to minutes. Weather includes daily changes in precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and wind conditions in a given location Weather is affected by the earth rotation toward the sun which change the day to night
How Weather Change All we need is the heat from the sun, water, and the rotation of the earth on its tilted axis. Do you remember this?
Season A season is a division of the year, marked by changes in weather.yearweather Seasons result from the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the plane of revolution. In temperate and polar regions, the seasons are marked by changes in the intensity of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface, variations of which may cause animals to go into hibernation or to migrate, and plants to be dormant. tilt of the Earth's axis Season is affected by the EARTH REVOLUTION travelling around the sun for about miles per year.
Climate The total of all weather occurring over a period of years in a given place. It is affect by the position of certain place on the earth toward the sun. This includes average weather conditions, regular weather sequences (like winter, spring, summer, and fall), and special weather events (like tornadoes and floods). Climate tells us what it's usually like in the place where you live Indonesia has warm and humid climate. It lays on the equator line which is crossed over with the Sun. It is called Tropical Climate England has a cooler climate. It lays near the pole and stay away a bit from the sun. It has Sub- tropical climate North Pole has cold and snowy climate because Sun is rarely reach this area. It has Polar Climate also has its own system which show how places can have its particular climate. What are they?
Climate can change too, but it takes a very long time to do so. Everything worked in harmony. Weather, season and climate work regularly, when the earth work in normal condition. BUT… Human change it! We make the change faster than it should be
Your turn How do we know that you understand about it? What will you do/create to show your understanding about climate, weather and season? Earth climate story books, book about weather, season and climate, power point presentation, chart, poster, diagram, diorama, more ideas, It must contains of: 1.Give details about what the weather, season and climate are. 2.Explain how they are different. 3.Identify how weather, season and climate changes. 4.Include illustration and clear explanation in your work 5.It must have attractive presentation (colorful and neat) Due date: Tuesday, 26 th Jan 2010