How to Avoid Plagiarism Find out what plagiarism is. Know how and when to site sources. Difference between common and specific knowledge.
Paraphrasing vs. Quotes Paraphrasing: When doing coursework you will mostly analyzing other people's work. Therefore to not be plagiarizing or not be quoting directly you will need to put the work in your own words, by explaining the work in a different manner that was originally produced, this is called paraphrasing. Quoting: Is when you are directly copying someone else's work, this isn’t plagiarism if you put the words under speech marks, and you directly site it in your references.
How to Paraphrase a Source. Put the piece of text into your own words. Takeout unimportant phrases or information that is not necessary in the point you are trying to make When paraphrasing, if you need to repeat a word or a phrase that is vital, put it in speech marks.
Successful vs. Unsuccessful Paraphrases. Here are some examples of paraphrasing. Can you determine which one is successful? Original: Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample their exquisite wines. Paraphrase: Be sure to include a Tuscan wine-tasting experience when visiting Italy. Or Original: Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample their exquisite wines. Paraphrase: Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample their nice wines.
"How to Quote a Source" When you find a piece of text, that you cannot paraphrase, but you still need it to explain something you need to quote it. This means you have to put the words you directly copied in speech marks, and then refer to where you got it from.
Referencing When you quote, take and idea or use a fact from someone else’s work you need to refer to it in your work. There are different types of referencing, the main two being the Harvard Referencing System and the APA Referencing system. The Harvard referencing system requires; acknowledgement of sources, name of author, year it was published and the page it was on. The American Psychological Association system again needs the same parameters to be met as the Harvard system.
Essay Writing On the right you see a general structure of an essay. When writing an essay you to do research therefore you need to refer to the sites where you got the information for it not to be plagiarism.
Real Life Story of Accidental Plagiarism In my own matrix reflection I used the internet for research in answering questions, although I paraphrased all of my work, and put direct quotes in speech marks, this still counts as plagiarism as I did not refer to the websites in my essay.
References Photos ism/ ism/ /Plagiarism /Plagiarism /plagiarism.htm /plagiarism.htm html html 008/august08/cartoon.htm 008/august08/cartoon.htm lagiarism.asp lagiarism.asp Information A_plagiarism.html A_plagiarism.html war-ii-facts.html war-ii-facts.html xamples/examples-of- paraphrasing.html xamples/examples-of- paraphrasing.html w/Paraphrasing.pdf w/Paraphrasing.pdf px px w/Referencing.pdf w/Referencing.pdf /glossary.html /glossary.html