Background Check Policy Effective January, 2015 New Benefitted Positions-full and part time Non-benefitted employees—future Student employees—future
Background Check Policy WHY? UMass Boston is committed to providing a safe and secure environment that is supported by qualified employees. Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century
Background Check Policy The review of the background check will be performed by: the vendor the University of Massachusetts has contracted with to perform background checks for UMass Boston, the assistant vice chancellor for human resources or designee who has been documented in writing, and the adjudication committee of 5 (five) members (one from each area); Human Resources, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Chancellor’s Office, Provost Office and the Department of Public Safety. Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century
Background Check Policy What is a standard background check? Verification of education Verification of previous employment Verification of licensure Criminal background check National Sex Offender Search Reference Checks by hiring manager Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century
Background Check Policy Statement regarding background checks in campus employment info, job postings, external ads, etc. Candidates must authorize background checks when accepting position. Otherwise will not be considered for employment. Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century
Background Check Policy 5 STEPS 1. Candidate authorizes 2&3. HR and vendor commence background check 4. Determination & Notification: successful- HR -> Hiring Mgr. unsuccessful- Vendor -> candidate with opportunity to appeal HR-> Hiring Mgr. 5. University reserves right to rescind offer
Background Check Policy Background Checks usually take 3-5 days, but could take 2 weeks. Hiring Managers may allow candidates to start employment before the background check is complete, however, they may decide to wait, depending on sensitivity of job, etc. Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century
Background Check Policy Positions potentially involving unsupervised contact with minors Positions that have direct access to biological/biochemical agents: Positions Requiring Licensures: Positions with Access to University Systems: Positions that handle large financial transactions: Research Reinvisioned for the 21st Century
Background Check Policy Questions?? Comments to Sandra Knight in HR