D RESS C ODE Always wear goggles when needed Wear apron or lab coat Tie back hair Remove loose clothing and jewelry Never wear open toed shoes
G ENERAL P RECAUTIONS Read all directions Never perform labs alone Never perform labs that are not authorized by a teacher Never eat or drink in lab area Keep work areas clean No horseplay!
F IRST A ID Always report accidents Be aware of the location of the first aid kit and other first aid materials
H EATING AND F IRE S AFETY Always use goggles Keep combustible materials away from flames Never heat anything unless told to do so. Never reach across a flame When using a test tube always point the opening away from all people. Never heat a liquid in a closed container- it may explode Insulated gloves called keflex If burned, cool and wrap with gauze!
H EATING S UBSTANCES Never leave this unattended! There’s more… let’s read!
H EATING S UBSTANCES Never leave this unattended! There’s more… let’s read!
F IRE T RIANGLE No Fire! Heat= energy transfer No O 2 = no combustion Removing fuel decreases heat
F IRE T RIANGLE Fuel = any combustible material in any state of matter. Most solids and liquids become a vapor or gas before they will burn. Examples: CLOTHING FURNITURE CURTAINS FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS
F IRE T RIANGLE Oxygen: The air we breathe is about 21% oxygen. Fire requires an atmosphere with at least 16% oxygen.
F IRE T RIANGLE Heat= energy needed to increase the temperature of the fuel to a point where vapors are given off for ignition to occur. Examples: STOVES HEATING APPLIANCES FIREPLACES DAMAGED WIRING
C HEMICAL S AFETY Never mix chemicals unless told to do so Never put your face near the mouth of a container holding a chemical Dispose of chemicals as instructed Never inhale fumes Always pour water first when adding to an acid Wash spills right away… 20 min. cold H 2 O
H ANDLING C HEMICALS There are more… let’s read!
There are more… let’s read!
G LASS S AFETY Never force tubing or thermometer into a rubber stopper Never use broken or chipped glassware Never eat or drink from glassware Thoroughly clean glassware before putting it away Let teacher clean up broken glass The type of glassware we use is called pyrex or kimax
E ND OF L AB R ULES Turn off all burners or hot plates Turn off and unplug any electrical equipment Clean up your work area Wash your hands
B ELL W ORK What is one lab safety rule that you remember using last year? 20
“W HAT N OT TO DO IN THE L AB !” T HINK - P AIR - S HARE Think- Spend 10 min. trying to identify everything wrong within the lab Use your safety contract for assistance Pair- Spend 10 min. working with a partner to identify everything you missed Share- Share your findings with the entire class
B ELL W ORK What does MSDS stand for? How is it used?
B ELL W ORK What are the three parts of the fire triangle?
B EAKERS … Used to mix, measure, or heat liquids, but they are not designed for accurate measurement. Glassware is made of Kimax or Pyrex to withstand heat.
E HRLENMEYER F LASK Used to measure liquid and helps prevent liquids from splashing or giving off fumes
F UNNEL Equipment that is used in the lab to target liquids into any container so they will not be lost or spilled. 26
T EST T UBES Used to mix, measure or heat liquids. Test tubes are not usually marked with measurements, so they are only used to make approximate measurements.
T EST T UBES R ACK Equipment that is used to hold test tubes while reactions happen in them or while they are not needed.
T ONGS VS. T EST TUBE CLAMPS Used to grasp heated materials Used to hold test tubes TongsTest Tube Clamps
THERMOMETERS Measure temperature in Kelvin, degrees Celsius, and degrees Fahrenheit How do you test to see if glassware is hot without a thermometer?
P ETRI D ISH Used to grow bacteria and other microorganisms 31
G RADUATED C YLINDER Graduated or marked with a scale for measurement. They are used to accurately measure liquid volume Meniscus : the curve of liquid at its surface.
H OT P LATES AND B URNERS Hot Plate= Electrical Bunsen Burner= gas/flame Heat substances 33
Equipment that is used to hold solids when being weighed or transported. Watch Glass
R UBBER S TOPPER 35 Equipment that comes in many different sizes. They can have holes for thermometers and for other probes.
G LASS S TIRRING R OD 36 Equipment that is used to stir things. They are usually made of glass.
R ING S TAND 37 Equipment that is used to hold items being heated. Clamps or rings can be used so that items may be placed above the lab table for heating by bunsen burners or other items.
M ICROSPATULA 38 Equipment that is used for moving small amounts of solid from place to place.
M ORTAR & PESTLE 39 Equipment that is used to crush solids into powders for experiments, usually to better dissolve the solids.
P IPETTE 40 Equipment that is used for moving small amounts of liquid from place to place.
T RIPLE B EAM B ALANCE Used to determine the mass of materials to the nearest gram Mass: measure of matter Weight: measurement of gravitational force
F UME H OOD Used to contain and safely remove gases and fumes from the lab