Hope and Change, God’s Way Hope and Change, God’s Way Lesson 3 Luke 24 Hope and the Resurrection April 4, 2010
I.Introduction to Lesson 3 A.This is Resurrection Sunday. B.The goal of this lesson: 1.Not an effort to prove the resurrection 2.But to show its relationship to hope 3.And to see how the hope of resurrection relates and applies to... a.The message of the entire Bible b.People of faith in the Old Testament c.People of faith in the New Testament d.People today C.In my conclusion I will seek to show the connection between several “dots.”
II.Resurrection and Hope in the Bible A.In the historical books 1.Abraham (Genesis 12-20, 22) 2.Joseph (Hebrews 11:22) 3.Moses (Hebrews 11:24-26) 4.David (2 Samuel 12) B.In the poetic/wisdom books 1.Job 19: Psalm 16:7-11; 73:23-27 C.In the prophets 1.Ezekiel 37: Daniel 12:1-13 D.In the New Testament: The Gospels, Acts, The Epistles E.From Genesis (2-3) to Revelation (22:1-2)
III.The Resurrection, Hope, and the Disciples A.In their darkest hours, what did the death of Jesus appear to mean to the disciples? 1.They had followed the wrong person – Jesus was not the Messiah (note Luke 23:35-39). 2.They had wasted three years. 3.There was no future for them except to hide to avoid being arrested as criminals. B.How did the resurrection of Jesus change the disciples (Luke 24, Acts)? 1.Jesus is the Messiah 2.His resurrection fulfilled the Scriptures 3.Joy, not sorrow; boldness, not fear 4.A great future beyond death
IV.The Resurrection, Hope, and People Today A.For those who have not trusted in Jesus for salvation: 1.A challenge to consider the claims of Jesus very closely (Matthew 12) 2.A frightening reality (Hebrews 9:27) 3.The key to salvation and genuine hope B.For those who have trusted in Jesus for salvation: 1.A validation of Christ (Rom. 1:3-4) 2.A clear conscience (1 Peter 3:21) 3.Assurance/confidence/boldness 4.No more fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15) 5.A certain hope for all eternity (1 Pet. 1:3-5)
V.Another way of thinking about hope A.Definition: Hope is the eager anticipation of those blessings which God has promised His people. B.___________ is the opposite of hope. C.1 Peter 3:15 – What happens to our testimony if our hope diminishes? D.Psalm 73 – a biblical example of the value and application of hope Copyright © 2010 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. This is the edited PowerPoint presentation of Lesson 3 in the series, Hope and Change, God’s Way, prepared by Robert L. Deffinbaugh for April 4, Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit.