Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Seven Periods of Jesus’ Life: Years of Preparation30 years Beginning of His Ministry6 months Galilean Ministry18 months Periods of Retirement6 months
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Seven Periods of Jesus’ Life: Years of Preparation30 years Beginning of His Ministry6 months Galilean Ministry18 months Periods of Retirement6 months
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Seven Periods of Jesus’ Life: Years of Preparation30 years Beginning of His Ministry6 months Galilean Ministry18 months Periods of Retirement6 months
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Seven Periods of Jesus’ Life: Years of Preparation30 years Beginning of His Ministry6 months Galilean Ministry18 months Periods of Retirement6 months Close of His Ministry6 months Last Week1 week Resurrection and Exaltation40 days
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine The Years of Preparation: Announcement and Birth of John the Baptist Announcement and Birth of Jesus Jesus’ Early Life Birth in Bethlehem Events surrounding His birth and Presentation at the Temple. Fleeing to Egypt. Move to Nazareth. Visit to Jerusalem at Age 12. Growing up in Nazareth.
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Beginning of His Ministry: Baptism by John Temptations of Jesus First Miracle in Cana Events in Jerusalem and Preaching in Judea Return to Galilee Herod has John the Baptist arrested
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Galilean Ministry: 18 Months of Miracles and Teaching Rejection at Nazareth Selection of the Twelve Apostles The Sermon on the Mount Rejection of the people Speak in Parables Woe on Cities of Galilee Death of John the Baptist
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Four Periods of Retirement (Withdrawal) First Period Feeding the 5000 Collapse of the work in Galilee Second Period Journey into Tyre and Sidon Return thru Decapolis
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Four Periods of Retirement (Withdrawal) Third Period Feeding the 4000 Forth Period Spiritual Dullness of the Disciples The Transfiguration Goes Secretly to Jerusalem thru Samaria
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine The Limited Commission: To Where were the Disciple Commissioned? To the Jews only – Matt.10:5-6 What were they able to do? – v6 Heal the sick and cast out Demons What was the reaction of Herod Antipas? Puzzled – desired see Jesus – v7-9 Thought it was John risen from the dead. This ends the Galilean Ministry (18 months) Twelve’s return begins Periods of Retirement Purpose was to prepare them for the Future
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Feeding of the 5000: Where do Jesus and the Disciples Go? Across the Sea to Bethsaida – v10
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Feeding of the 5000: Where do Jesus and the Disciples Go? Across the Sea to Bethsaida – v10 What Miracle did Jesus Perform? Fed – 5 loaves and 2 fish – vv11-17; John 6:5 How many were actually fed? 5000 men plus women and children – v14
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus Foretells Death and Resurrection: What did they go to do in vv18-21? Went to Pray Where are they? Caesarea Philippi – Mt 16:13
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus Foretells Death and Resurrection: What happens in vv18-21? Went to Pray Jesus asked Who men say He was Where are they? Caesarea Philippi – Mt 16:13
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus Foretells Death and Resurrection: What did they go to do in vv18-21? Went to Pray Where are they? Caesarea Philippi – Mt 16:13 Jesus asked “Who do Men say that I Am?” What does Jesus foretell in v22? His Death and Resurrection How does He re-emphasize His words? Importance of putting God first vv23-25 Events – shortly come to Pass vv22-27
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus’ Transfiguration: What is recorded in vv28-31? Transfiguration of Jesus What were they discussing in v31? Events at Jerusalem (Death & Resurrection) What was Peter’s reaction? Wanted to build Memorials to all Three – v33 What significance of Moses and Elijah? Moses – The Law of Moses Elijah – The Prophets
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus Heals the Demoniac Boy: Who does Jesus Heal in vv37-42? The Demon Possessed Boy What problem had Disciples had? Could not cast out the Demon – v40 Why had they Failed? Lack of Faith – Mk 9:28; Mt 17:19-20 Where do they go next? – Mk 9:30 Through Galilee
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus Heals the Demoniac Boy: Who does Jesus Heal in vv37-42? The Demon Possessed Boy What problem had Disciples had? Could not cast out the Demon – v40 Why had they Failed? Lack of Faith – Mk 9:28; Mt 17:19-20 Where do they go next? – Mk 9:30 Through Galilee What does Jesus mention again in v44? Death and Resurrection – vv43-45
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Twelve argue about Who will be Greatest: Where did they come to next (Mk 9:33)? They came to Capernaum
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus Foretells Death and Resurrection: What happens in vv18-21? Went to Pray Jesus asked Who men say He was Where are they? Caesarea Philippi – Mt 16:13
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Twelve argue about Who will be Greatest: Where did they come to next (Mk 9:33)? They came to Capernaum What were Disciples discussing? Who would be Greatest in the Kingdom – v46 What does Jesus teach them? On being a Servant – vv47-48; Mk 9:35
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus goes to Jerusalem thru Samaria: What does Jesus do in v51? Determines to go to Jerusalem
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus goes to Jerusalem thru Samaria: What does Jesus do in v51? Determines to go to Jerusalem What happened on the way? Village would not receive them – v53 What did James and John want to do? Destroy the Village – v54 What did Jesus say? Came not to Destroy but to Save – vv55-56
The Books of Luke and Acts – Lesson Nine Jesus on the Importance of Discipleship: How does Jesus teach importance v51? Emphasizes the cost – vv57-62 Putting God before all else Before Material Possessions Emphasis on Spiritual about Physical Before Family No Turning Back