Real Solutions for Real Needs Leadership for the Employment of Americans with Disabilities Jeanette Ayala-Rivers, MHRM, MBA
Real Solutions for Real Needs Employees with Targeted Disabilities in the Federal Work Force Source: EEOC Federal Sector Statistics % of Total Work Force (Participation Rate)
Real Solutions for Real Needs Federal Sector Statistics 2.6 million federal employees 57.0% were men 43.0% were women 66.2% were White 18.4% were Black or African American 8.0% were Hispanic or Latino 6.0% were Asian 0.2% were Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2.0% were American Indian/Alaska Native 0.1% were Persons of Two or More Races 0.94% were Individuals with Targeted Disabilities
Real Solutions for Real Needs Federal Sector Statistics From FY 1997 to FY 2006, total federal workforce increased by 135,732 employees, a net increase of 5.48%. During this same ten year period, the number of employees with targeted disabilities decreased from 28,671 to 24,442, a net decrease of %. In other words, over the last decade the government grew by 5½% overall, but we still lost almost 15% of all people with severe disabilities.
Real Solutions for Real Needs Federal Sector Statistics FY06 Average Grade: All federal employees Individuals with Tar. Disabilities 8.50 FY05 Average Pay Grade Level (remained in FY06): All federal employees 9.98 Individuals with Tar. Disabilities 8.43 FY06 Senior Executive Service (SES) Total SES employees 20,070 SES with Tar. Disabilities 93 (0.46%)
Real Solutions for Real Needs Ranking Cabinet Level Agencies By PWTD
Real Solutions for Real Needs EEOC’s LEAD Initiative Increase the awareness of hiring officials about the declining numbers of people with disabilities in federal employment workforce planning and development Reverse the trend of decreasing participation in federal employment diversity and disability goals Educate federal hiring officials about how to use special hiring authorities to bring people with disabilities on board, particularly those with severe disabilities Educate applicants with severe disabilities about how to apply using the special hiring authorities available Provide information and resources on reasonable accommodation
Real Solutions for Real Needs LEAD Activities So what steps can you take to make a difference?
Real Solutions for Real Needs Recruitment and Placement Affirmative Program Plans: EEO MD-715 USA Jobs: Disability Network: Advocacy groups, Independent Living Centers State Rehabilitation Services Employer Assistance Referral Network (EARN) Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) Veterans’ Hiring Preferences Schedule A Hiring Authority
Real Solutions for Real Needs Federal Hiring for Individuals with Disabilities Using the Schedule A hiring authority, found at 5 CFR (u), federal managers can hire qualified persons with mental retardation, severe physical disabilities, or psychiatric disabilities without the typical recruitment headaches without posting and publicizing the position without going through the certification process without rating candidates
Real Solutions for Real Needs Schedule A Hiring Authority So how does it work? Step 1:When managers have an open position, make contact with the Selective Placement Coordinator (SPC) or Disability Program Manager (DPM) in your agency; Step 2:Discuss with the SPC/DPM what competencies the ideal candidate should posses, thinking critically about the essential functions of the position; Step 3: Get candidates - A skilled SPC/DPM will be able to produce potential candidates. The number of applicants available will vary greatly, depending on the level of specialty required by the job.
Real Solutions for Real Needs Schedule A Hiring Authority Step 4:Make a selection – The hiring official can now review the resumes and references of qualified, Schedule A eligible applicants, and make a selection! Interviews can be held to aid in making a selection decision, but it is not required. Step 5:Make an offer – Relay selection to appropriate persons within HR who issue offers on behalf of agency (may be handled through SPC/DPM). Step 6: Once an offer has been accepted, a start date may be established to bring the candidate on board. That’s It!
Real Solutions for Real Needs LEAD Goal 2% by 2010 for ALL AGENCIES!
Real Solutions for Real Needs Reasonable Accommodations Making facilities accessible Job restructuring Modified work hours or location Provide qualified readers and interpreters Orientation: new employee, co-worker, workplace Job re-assignment (the accommodation of last resort) Acquisition or modification of equipment or assistive devices Formal reasonable accommodation procedures
Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP Overview CAP was established in 1990 as DoD’s centrally funded program to provide accommodations Expanded by Congress in 2000 to support other Federal agencies Partnerships with 65 Federal agencies Over 61,000 accommodations since inception CAP Mission: To provide assistive technology and accommodations to ensure people with disabilities have equal access to the information environment and opportunities in the Department of Defense and throughout the Federal government
Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP Services Provide assistive technology and training Conduct needs assessments and technology demonstrations Provide installation and integration Provide training on disability management and on creating an accessible environment Assist in the recruitment, placement, promotion and retention of people with disabilities and Wounded Service Members
Real Solutions for Real Needs Computer input devices Alternative keyboards, input devices and voice recognition software Computer output devices Screen readers, magnification software, Braille terminal Telecommunication devices PC based TTY Video communication devices Assistive listening devices Personal amplification devices Captioning services Assistive Technology and Services
Real Solutions for Real Needs Needs Assessments / Tech Demo CAP Technology Evaluation Center (CAPTEC) Assist individuals and supervisors in choosing appropriate computer and electronic accommodations Wide variety of assistive technology VTC capability Tours Located in the Pentagon (2A259) (V) (TTY)
Real Solutions for Real Needs Employment Lifecycle Recruitment Placement Promotion Retention Accommodation
Real Solutions for Real Needs Workforce Recruitment Program Co-sponsored by the Department of Labor and Department of Defense Participation from Federal agencies and the private sector Wide range of occupations Diverse workforce CAP covers the cost of accommodations for all WRP students participating in any Federal agency
Real Solutions for Real Needs Retention Aging Workforce Healthy Work Practices Program Workers’ Compensation Telework Wounded Service Members
Real Solutions for Real Needs Retention - Workers’ Compensation Assist Workers’ Compensation claimants who obtain “on the job” injuries that result in an accepted claim in their return-to-work process Work with Workers’ Compensation officials to evaluate needs of employees Conduct CAP accommodation needs assessments Provide appropriate assistive technology or related accommodations Review Telework options
Real Solutions for Real Needs Retention - Telework Target groups Recipients of Workers’ Compensation payments Persons with Disabilities As a form of reasonable accommodation To increase productivity and/or improve accessibility issues Persons who may be subjected to disability retirement Equipment Assistive technology Home office equipment (computer hardware and software, fax machine, printer) Trends Teleworkers with disabilities increased by 120% from FY02 to FY03
Real Solutions for Real Needs CAP’s Wounded Service Members Initiative: Provide assistive technology to WSMs to use in future employment and vocational settings Public Law : Retention of AT after separation from active service Provide services and resources for: Employment internships Public & private sector initiatives Partnership programs – Military Severely Injured Center: – VA Seamless Transition: – DOL REALifelines: From Deployment to Employment
Real Solutions for Real Needs Next Steps Agency Disability Program Managers Department of Labor Job Accommodation Network DisabilityInfo.Gov EEOC’s LEAD Initiative Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program EEOC Management Directive 715 January 31, 2008
Real Solutions for Real Needs 2 % by 2010 for ALL AGENCIES!