HORIZON 2020 EU ARCTIC RESEARCH Information Session Presentation By Cecilia S. Silundika, NCP Arctic Montreal and Quebec City, March 26-27, 2015
EU-Canada Arctic Working Group: Overview The European Union-Canada Joint Science and Technology Coordination Committee established an Arctic Working Group at its 11 th meeting held on March 6, 2013 in Brussels. The cooperation is intended to increase joint knowledge of the Arctic and its rapidly changing environmental systems, and its interactions with lower latitudes particularly the North Atlantic Ocean. Also, the cooperation supported the implementation of the Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance established among the European Union, Canada and the United States in Galway on 24 May 2013.
EU-Canada Arctic Working Group: Overview As the Canada-EU National Contact Point, the Canadian High Arctic Research Station will promote and encourage arctic science cooperation under the European Commission’s funding program, Horizon CHARS will also advise interested Canadians on opportunities and answer any related questions on the joint program. The Canadian High Arctic Research Station also plays the role of co- chair with the European Union the Arctic Working Group. The first progress report since the launch of the Arctic Working Group was presented at the 12 th meeting of the Joint Science and Technology Coordination Committee, led by the Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development in Ottawa, on November 19, 2014.
Mutual Interests Support research to develop an improved understanding and monitoring of the integrated Arctic environmental and human systems. Develop an integrated observation system to support system scale studies and provide context to shorter-term process studies. Develop renewable energy in Arctic environments.
Mutual Interests Support research on the potential for industrial development in the Arctic and support baseline information preparedness for this development. Identify opportunities to share logistical infrastructure and the necessary mechanisms to do so. Promote improved Arctic science and technology awareness in Europe and North America
Major Achievements A Joint Science and Technology Science and Technology Statement of Purpose. Cooperation Priorities determine along with the Way Forward. Stakeholder Engagement in priority setting process.
Progress & Next Steps Progress: o Networking and information sharing Opportunities: Arctic Change Conference, Ottawa, December 8-12, International Workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction, Barcelona, December , o Trilateral Arctic Workshop under Canada-EU-US related to the Galway Statement, held January 21, Tromso, Norway. o Statement of Purpose for the Arctic Working Group signed.
Progress & Next Steps Next Steps: o Share information on each other’s existing investments related to priority actions. o Engage in joint priority setting of actions for Mutual Interests. o Seek to align and integrate when possible and appropriate the planning, funding and programming of research activities. o Finalize Joint Work plan for the Working Group. o Explore opportunities to share Arctic Infrastructure through collaboration with the Marine Working Group. o Develop and Inventory of Canada-EU arctic science priorities, projects and contacts.
Contact Us For more information about CHARS, please visit science.gc.ca/CHARS or contact us at For more information about European Union-Canada Joint Science and Technology Coordination Committee and Arctic Working Group, please visit ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en
For Information About Horizon 2020 Collaboration Dr. Martin Raillard Chief Scientist Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) Station de recherche du Canada dans l'Extreme-Arctique Arctic Science Policy Integration/Direction de l'Integration des politique scientifique de l'arctique 15 Eddy, 14i è me é tage/Floor, piece / Room 1402H Gatineau, Qu é bec K1A 0H4 (819) bureau/office Cecilia Sithembile Silundika, MSc., MA Coordinator, External Affairs Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) Station de recherche du Canada dans l'Extreme-Arctique Arctic Science Policy Integration/Direction de l'Integration des politique scientific de l'arctique 15 Eddy, 14th Floor, Room 1441 Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H4 Tel: (819)