John Neal and Kalli Smith
Each player has a master number that starts at 10. The goal of the game is to get your opponent’s master number to 0. The first player to have a master number of 0 loses.
Each player starts out with 3 cards. The maximum number of cards a player can hold is 10 cards. The players will roll to see who goes first. Whoever has the highest number will go first, then the rotation will go counterclockwise. When starting your turn, draw a card. You must decide what cards to summon onto your playing field.
When summoning cards, you need to make sure you have enough brain power to do so. In order to summon an operation card, you have to have a number card all ready on the field. Once you have enough cards, you can perform an equation on your own master number, or one of your opponent’s master numbers to increase or decrease the number.
Once you’ve performed your equation, your turn is over. Each player can only perform one equation per turn. If your math is incorrect, a player can challenge you. If a challenge is not declared, the next player can proceed with their turn.
There are number cards 1-9, wild, and one 0 card per deck. Each number costs that much brain power to summon. (1 costs 1 brain power, 9 costs 9, etc.) A wild number card is unknown until played onto the field. The player that summoned it must roll a six sided die to decide what number it is. Wild numbers only cost 1 brain power. A 0 number card is a game ender. The player that has this card has the ability to decrease their opponent’s master number to 0 immediately if they have a completed equation.
The operation cards are: X, /, +, -, and ? (multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and wild) Multiplication and division cards cost 4 brain power. Addition and subtraction cards cost 2 brain power. If you have a ? Operation card, you can decide what operation you want it to be. ? Cards only cost 1 brain power.
Every player starts at 1 brain power on the first turn. Every turn after that, the player’s brain power will increase by 1. A player’s maximum brain power is 10.
A challenge must be declared before the challenged player’s turn is over. If their turn has passed, they cannot be challenged. If a player is challenged, the challenger has to double check the challenged player’s equation for accuracy. If the equation is false, the equation cannot be executed, and the challenger gets to steal a random card from the challenged player and add it to their hand. If the equation is correct, the challenged player gets to take a random card from the challenger and add it to their hand.