Last time we talked about castles in the sand. How about a city in the sky?
A Little History: 7,000 feet above sea level and nestled on a small hilltop between the Andean Mountain Range, the majestic city soars above the Urabamba Valley below. The Incan built structure has been called the “Lost Cities”, unknown until its relatively recent discovery in Archaeologists estimate that approximately 1200 people could have lived in the area, though many believe it was most likely a retreat for Incan rulers. Due to it’s isolation from the rest of Peru, living in the area full time would require traveling great distances just to reach the nearest village.
Let’s visit this magical place!
Can you find Peru? Talk to your group. How do you think this range was formed? Where is the United States?
They are both on the east end of the Pacific rim. They both have an above average number of volcanoes, and they are steeper and narrower than most mountain ranges. This is the result of their both straddling colliding continental plates and being on top of very active geological fault lines. Distribution of volcanoes along plate margins
Compare the Andes with the Sierra Nevadas S Sierras Andes
The peaks of the Andes are high and steep
Why didn’t the Incas need a vehicle like this?
Connections What kind of shape do you think the Incas were in?
They devised clocks Remind you of anything?
These were water channels built by the Incas.
All the walls and buildings were built of hard stone. Each stone was carved by hand to fit perfectly together.
They studied the moon and the stars to help them better understand their world.
They were excellent astronomers and could tell the time of the year by the position of the sun. That helped them know when to plant and other important times.
Their art was stunning and made of gold and other precious metals.
What does all this tell you about the Incas? Why do you think so? Talk with your group. Using the poster board, make a poster advertising the Incas.
What happened to this fascinating and unique empire? No one knows for sure, but...
The Spanish came to Peru and the Incas became part of Spain’s Empire. How did it happen? What do you think? Let’s look it up!
KidRex - Kid Safe Search Engine Spanish Arrival, Pizarro - The Inca Empire for Kids
Happily, Macchu Pichu Was Well Hidden Spanish records never mention it. It was rediscovered in Today many people from all over the world travel to Peru to see this amazing place. You have to be a little brave to go up the zigzags of the steep mountain roads, but it is worth it. Once more, the city bustles again.
All the movement and people make Machu Picchu bustle!!
Write a poem about visiting Machu Picchu for the first time. Use this form: Line 1: What if I went to Machu Picchu? Line 2: I might Line 3: What if ? Line 4: I could Line 5: What if ? Line 6: I would Line 7: Ask a question ? What if I went to Machu Picchu? I might___________________ What if __________________? I could ___________________. What if ___________________? I would____________________ Ask any question that goes well with your poem.