The Sun God.The sun god Ra is most closely associated with the legends and myths surrounding the sun god Atum and his story is related to the Ennead. The Ennead is a collective name given to the nine deities.(Gods and Goddesses) The story of creation relates that the sun god Ra rose in the beginning from the primeval ocean called Nun.
Goddess Isis was seen as the goddess of love, magic,fertility, and healing. She was also seen as a protective goddess and was generally believed to be the protector of the Pharaoh. She was the wife of her brother Osiris.
The Egyptian god, Osiris, was know as the god of death, therefore closely associated with the prayers of the bereaved. One of his roles was as a judge of the dead in the afterlife. People believed that in the winter he would disappear into the underworld with all of the crops. He was the husband of Isis and father of the god Horus.
The goddess Nephthys is seen as the goddess of divine assistance but also death. Nephthys was the wife of her brother Seth and the mother of Anubis by her brother Osiris. Brother and sister was seen as an acceptable element in the lives of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, retaining the sacred bloodline. Seth murdered Osiris and Nephthys helped the widowed goddess Isis collect the scattered limbs of Osiris and helped with his resurrection.