Born in 1817 Died in 1862 of tuberculosis Resided in Concord, Massachusetts Interests: nature, biology, politics, religion Education from Harvard
Writings include: Civil Disobedience Walden Journals 1 – 8 A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
Personal Philosophy of Transcendentalism People and nature are inherently good People are born with survival instincts Live simply by respecting nature Use or take only what you need
Transcendentalism Points to Self Reliance Learn to be self sustaining Take or use only what you need Rely on no one and nothing
Micro-living at Walden Pond Land belonged to Emerson Walden shack square feet Cost $28.18 Modestly furnished
Micro-living Today Living in 500 square feet or less Multi-purposed areas Small footprint for low environmental impact
236 Square Feet
500 Square Feet
200 Square Feet
Living Large in Small Places Conversion Furniture Thoreauvian Living