Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is a process that empowers people in poor communities to ultimately help themselves.
Sustainable development is powerful, long-lasting development.
Sustainable development is an EMPOWERING process that places those being affected at the centre of their own development.
People are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and appropriate values and attitudes to act and manage their own development.
Effective Communication Sustainable Development is a HOLISTIC approach that considers: Human Rights Gender Equity Environment Effective Communication
Sustainable development is non-discriminatory and protects the dignity of all people.
It does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, or birth status.
Planned Monitored and Evaluated All sustainable development projects must be: Planned Monitored and Evaluated
Development considers Human Rights Sustainable development must take into account basic human rights as agreed upon in 1948 by all member countries of the United Nations.
UN Declaration of Human Rights In 1948 the United Nations passed the Declaration of Human Rights. Here is a summary of that document. · Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association · Seek and receive information and ideas Every human being has the right to: · Take part in politics · Life · Work · Liberty and security of person · Fair wages and equal pay for equal work · Not be a slave · Not be tortured · Social security · Protection of the law · A decent standard of living · A fair and public hearing in the courts · Join a trade union · Be presumed innocent until proved guilty · Rest and leisure · Education · Freedom of movement and residence · Marry and raise a family All of these rights apply to everyone regardless of race, colour, gender, language, religion, political opinion, social origin, property or birth order. · Own property · Freedom of thought, conscience or religion · Freedom of opinion and expression
Sustainable Development Includes:
Men and women of the community
Long-term Planning
Infrastructure building (with local products and people power) Roads Housing Dams Buildings – including schools and medical posts
Water and food availability and security Building water posts or wells Growing and rotating crops Growing different vegetables for variety
Income generation Teaching practical ways for families to become self-sufficient
Health Education Eating a variety of foods Washing hands Safe toileting Brushing teeth Visiting a medical post when ill Etc
Primary school education
HIV/AIDS Education
Birth Education
Peace and Reconciliation Education
Conservation of non-renewable resources and finding alternate resources
A knowledge of how to network With local governments With state and federal governments With other development organisations in the area
ALWS and Sustainable Development – Dare to Dream a Different World