Nanoclay Desert Institute, Inc. ----- Meeting Notes (10/1/14 08:36) ----- in this presentation I will introduce you to two important developments in desert control; nanoclay and high yield biomass production. Nanoclay can change sandy sites to superior cropland. High yield biomass production maximizes output from the area dedicated to biofuel feed stock production Expanding agricultural viability in arid regions by making possible retention of plant nutrients and water in sandy soils
Agriculture, Biomass Energy and Global Food Security can be bolstered by NanoClay Technology The world is lacking water and productive soil for growing food. Mankind has always hoped to revegitate the deserts. So far there have been no good solutions to address these issues. Our solution is NanoClay Technology; NanoClay changes dry sandy soil so it adsorbs and holds water and nutrients available to plants. Our mission is to efficiently and permanently transform desert regions that have otherwise been unsuitable for agriculture. The results of our experimentation are outstanding and undeniable. For the first time, low cost, fertile cropland has been developed from previously arid sandy soil.
What could be more cost effective than developing low-cost, fertile cropland where none existed before?
Strategy for propagating crops in dry, sandy soil: Trapping and keeping water in sand particles Balancing water and nutrients to create ideal environment for plant growth Selecting plant crops with fast growth rate and high biomass yield Nanoclay prevents leaching of nutrients and holds moisture at the fine root level
Nanoclay is the first technology of its kind to physically and molecularly transform the structure and capabilities of sandy soil. Nanoclay technology accomplishes this by mechanically producing homogenous flakes of bentonite clay that are 0.7 to 1.5 nanometers thick and bind to sand particles electronically and chemically, by a Van der Waals binding, resulting in increased water and plant nutrient holding capacity, sustained aeration of the sandy particles and reduced soil loss from wind erosion. NanoClay will reduce water loss due to gravity, protecting added fertilizer from being leached
the aeration of the sandy particles. How NanoClay Works The addition of NanoClay increases water and nutrient holding capacity while maintaining the aeration of the sandy particles.
NanoClay transformation of sandy soil into fertile croplands in the Sinai Desert of Egypt 2 test sites, 1.5 acres each. (1 control, 1 treated with Nanoclay to a depth of 24 inches) The heat and wind determine watering needed. The Control areas were watered daily. The NanoClay treated areas were watered every 2nd or 3rd day The wheat is 20 cm high in the test areas. Once the desert is covered with vegetation less water is required. Humidity increased and temperature decreased in the treated area.
Has been proven to increase wheat yield by nearly five times 9 Nanoclay Technology Has been proven to increase wheat yield by nearly five times Requires 66% less water for irrigation Changes deserts into fertile croplands Usually the cost can be recovered the first year 9
8-12 tillers/grain 1-4 tillers/grain 1010 8-12 tillers/grain 1-4 tillers/grain The Nile Delta region is considered some of the most fertile soil on earth and Egypt still imports more than 10 Billion tons of wheat per year. Wheat grown in the Nanoclay treated soil (sample 1) has 8-12 tillers per grain. Wheat grown in highly irrigated desert soil (sample 2) has only 1-4 tillers per grain (with 70% of the untreated crop producing 1 tiller per grain). A tiller is a shoot that sprouts from the main stem of a single wheat plant. This represents a yield increase of over 400% from soil treated with Nanoclay and the Wheat yield at this site compares favourably with the Nile Delta. 10
Nanoclay benefits… Changes deserts into fertile croplands 1111 Nanoclay benefits… Changes deserts into fertile croplands Can be implemented rapidly Treatment yields are comparable to those in the Nile Delta. 440% higher wheat yield in Egyptian Sinai desert test. Up to 66% of normal irrigation water saved. 50% higher water holding capacity. It keeps the seed surface wet, enhancing vigour. Creates aggregates, gives higher swelling, bonding and cat-ion capacity. Germination rate increases from 70 up to 100%. Retains more nutrients in the soil, increasing their availability to plants. Higher ad-/absorption capacity, reduced evaporation, minimized water losses and run-off through evaporation and deep percolation. 11
NanoClay technology can be applied to any dry sandy site. 1212 NanoClay technology can be applied to any dry sandy site. Tree Roots are evenly distributed under the tree canopy, therefore NanoClay application can be localized to reduce fertilizer and water requirements. NanoClay is usually applied to the depth of the fine root area of the crop being grown (including trees). The red squares represents the normal treatment depth of 60 cm (24 inches.)
To date, we have not found an irrigation system that cannot be used to apply Nanoclay We have not found to date an irrigation system that cannot be used to apply Nanoclay Special machinery makes the nano particle minerals (flakes) homogenized into water and distributed through normal irrigation pipes and sprinklers to the field, or center pivot systems. NanoClay is minerals divided into very small components which measure 0.7 to 1.5 nanometer thick with a diameter of 20-300 nanometer when mixed with water, these flakes have added airbubles on both sides.
High Density Feedstock Farming Capitalizing on NanoClay Technology Its biomass contains: 17% proteins 10 % fermentable sugars 8% starch 5 to 7% lipids Productivity is a function of climate, soil and fertilization, (ranging between 400 to 650 tons biomass/ha/yr) Trees are cropped in high density (1 million plants/ha) and harvested every 35 days, up to 10 harvests per year
Best Biomass Production to Date: 650 Wet Tons/Ha/Year THE BIOMASS TRIALS Best Biomass Production to Date: 650 Wet Tons/Ha/Year We can produce cellulosic biomass at a high rate. Who knows what lies ahead? 50 Ha high density planting. High density = 1million plants/Ha (4in row/4in between)
Biomass Trials (prior to NanoClay) Trials conducted over a four-year period 9 cuttings per year were harvested. this large number of cuttings per year would only be possible by maintaining a strict regime of adequate fertilization and irrigation at all times. 650 metric wet ton yield was obtained in sandy, well-drained soil at 30 meters altitude. Rainfall was 1,300 mm annually irrigating during dry season. ----- Meeting Notes (10/1/14 11:22) ----- did not solve the problem
Harvest Protocol Green matter is harvested: When plants reach a height of 50 cm or more (every 33-40 days.) Cut at a distance of 15-20 cm above ground. The vigorous regrowth will produce 3 or 5 new shoots after each cutting. The 15-20 cm stem become thick and woody but will continue to send up green shoots.
Text Harvest are mechanized
Trial Results (prior to NanoClay) Problem: Inability to maintain fertilizer/irrigation balance dry season: yield per cutting as low as 45 metric tons/ha rainy season: yield per cutting as high as 115 metric tons/ha.
The Game Changer NanoClay and High Density Farming Combined Combined with using elite higher yielding biomass clones, NanoClay provides a solution that: Optimizes High Density Feedstock production Enhances and balances water content and nutrients. Transforms deserts into fertile agricultural cropland. Saves 50% to 66% of normal irrigation water. Resulting in: 115 tons per harvest x 9 harvest/year = theoretically 1,035 tons year. Nanoclay can provide the water and nutrients a the most favorable level for highest yields at each harvest If we can approach Maintaining the high yield at each heaviest and add a harvest maybe a significant increase can be added. To date max yield has been 900tons/Ha/year
Desert Expansion Control 2121 Desert Expansion Control Moringa, Bamboo and Arundo are able to control desert expansion, supply woody biomass, and their remaining rhizomes hold the soil even after harvesting. Moringa trees, one year after Nanoclay treatment. Tree height is between 4-5 meters 21
Rapid Desert Reclamation 2222 Rapid Desert Reclamation The Moringa seed pods are eaten and can supply high grade oil. Please check our web site to learn more about Moringa, Bamboo, Arundo and other biomass that can be supplied in the millions of plantlets This Nanoclay treated Moringa tree is 2 years old. It is thriving, even though it has received a 66% reduction in irrigation.
NANOCLAY Could address larger global issues such as: Transforming Subsistence Farming Drought Prevention for 10 years World Hunger Poverty Green Energy Cellulosic Biofuels Violent Conflict Climate Change ----- Meeting Notes (10/1/14 11:22) ----- Nano can significantly reduce the area required for feedstock production SKYPE Figdoctor WE ARE NOW ASSOCIATED WITH A PARTNER THAT CAN DEVELOP LARGE BIOMASS FEEDSTOCK PLANTATIONS FOR NO COST TO THE FEEDSTOCK USER. NANOCLAY TECHNOLOGY CAN BE USED ON APPROPRIATE SANDY SITES THAT HAVE WATER. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. DR. JOHN E. WOODS Office 423-453-4550 SKYPE Figdoctor