Molly McEvilley, Abt Associates SSVF and HMIS Molly McEvilley, Abt Associates
Objectives During this training we will review the following: Review of data collection tools Training materials Repository updates Importance of Data Quality How to request individual Technical Assistance Additional HMIS resources and websites
SSVF Data Collection Tools SSVF Data Collection Guidebook contains: SSVF HMIS Intake Template SSVF HMIS Exit Template SSVF Income and Benefit Template SSVF Financial Assistance Provided Template SSVF Supportive Services Provided Template Data Collection Overview Program Descriptor set up instructions Universal Data Elements instructions Program Specific Data Elements instructions Repository instructions This guidebook will be made available to all the grantee and sub grantees to assistance in data collection for this program within the next week or so. This is meant to be a tool and is not required to be used by your agency. However we suggest that you and your sub grantees review the guidebook to see if the tools within it might ensure complete and accurate data collection for this program.
Recorded Training Materials SSVF and HMIS part 1 Data Collection Requirements SSVF and HMIS part 2 Repository Requirements Trainings available on the VA web site: Data Quality HMIS Data Standards for VA Community Programs These trainings were recorded earlier this week and will be made available on the SSVF website and a DVD with the trainings will be mailed to each grantee in the next few weeks. Because there is a lot of attention on this program the quality of data that the VA receives from your program is so important that is why we encourage each agency to review the data quality training materials on the SSVF website and to develop a data quality plan within your agency. We have also developed a general HMIS training materials that might be useful for your agency staff that are new to HMIS and that can also be found on the SSVF website.
SSVF Data Uploads How often are data uploads expect? SSVF client data exported from HMIS to the Repository by the 5th business day of each month. The data set includes all SSVF program activity through the end of the previous month. After the upload deadline, the Repository will not accept new uploads until the next monthly upload. SSVF grantees will upload data to the Repository on a monthly basis. The data upload is due to the VA by the 5th working day of the month following the reporting period. Each monthly upload will be inclusive of all program activity from grant inception through the last day of the month of the reporting period. For example, data from the month of May will be submitted to the Repository on June 7, 2012 which is the 5th business day in June of next year. The upload will include all program data from September 15, 2011 through May 31 of 2012. It will be important to verify with program staff that all data has been entered prior to exporting.
Data Export and Upload Responsibility VA’s preference is for HMIS administrators to export the data and upload it to the Repository. This may vary by HMIS implementation. The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that SSVF data has been entered, meets VA data quality requirements, and has been uploaded to the Repository on time belongs to SSVF program staff. In the next week or so we will be contacting each of you to have you identify who will be completing the export of client level data for your agency monthly to the VA repository. We would like you to discuss with your HMIS team, if the HMIS administrator will be uploading your data or will someone at your agency needs to do it. The sooner your agency can designate someone to complete the uploads the sooner we will be able to create a repository user account for you.
Repository Users For each grantee, there must be at least one person set up as a Repository user to upload data. This person will be responsible for uploading data and, if necessary, communicating to SSVF program staff about any data quality issues which must be resolved. Repository users may be affiliated with more than one SSVF grant. In designating Repository users, bear in mind that data will be due 5th business day of every month, regardless of vacation schedules, illness, etc. It may be prudent for more than one person to have a Repository account and be familiar with the process.
Subgrantees in Multiple CoCs The Repository must be able to identify data by grantee. If a single grantee has sub grantees participating in different HMIS implementations, there may be multiple uploads for that grantee. VA and TA team need to know about multiple CoC projects BEFORE Repository users create their accounts. Many of you have sub grantees and if they will be completing separate uploads, when we contact you in the next week we will need for you to have who on behalf of their agency will be completing their uploads-HMIS Admins or someone at their agency so that a repository account can be created for them.
The Importance of Data Quality Data Quality is essential for HMIS and allows for: Accurate reporting Understanding of the nature and scope of homelessness Essential to SSVF program to accurately report on your program activities and your outcomes Essential for community partners Planning Funding applications Public awareness and education
Individual Training and TA Technical assistance is available to grantees, HMIS staff and vendors. Please contact your regional coordinator to request TA for your program. Everyone involved in the SSVF program wants all of you to be as successful as possible that is why the VA has made available technical assistance to address any HMIS issues your agency might be facing in the starting of this program. Contact your regional coordinator with any request for additional trainings or TA they will then direct it to the HMIS TA team.
Additional HMIS Resources Historical information on HMIS, as well as technical resources HUD Homelessness Resource Exchange: Copies of presentations from 2010 HUD conference, many covering HMIS 2010 HMIS Data Standards On the screen you see listed additional HMIS resources that your agency might find useful. We encourage you and your staff review some of the materials on these sites.