Preventing & Ending Veteran Homelessness – HVRP and Earned Income Baylee Crone National Coalition for Homeless Veterans & JOHN RIO Advocates for Human Potential BURTON BLATT INSTITUTE AT SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY & NATIONAL COALITION FOR HOMELESS VETERANS
What is the Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program (HVRP)? A competitive grant fund of US DOL Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS). President Barack Obama signed the Veterans’ Benefits Act of 2010 (Public Law No: ). Section 201 reauthorizes HVRP. Purposed to provide services to assist in reintegrating homeless veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force; and To stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that will address the complex problems facing homeless veterans.
HVRP Services Employment and training services Veterans need in order to re-enter the labor force Grantees provide an array of services utilizing a case management approach that directly assists homeless veterans as well as provide critical linkages for a variety of supportive services available in their local communities. Results are measured – the critical performance measures for HVRP are 1) enrollments, 2) placements, 3) placement rate, and 4) cost per placement
HVRP Awards Of the 143 current HVRP awards… Many are also SSVF grantees; 71 are urban; 32 non-urban; 24 focus on Homeless Females Veterans and Veterans with Family grants; and 16 are Incarcerated Veterans Transition Program (IVTP) grants.
HVRP Eligibility…Must be Homeless and a Veteran The term “Veteran” means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. [38 U.S.C. 101(2)]. Veterans who received a “dishonorable” discharge are ineligible for HVRP services. The term “homeless” or “homeless individual” found at 42 U.S.C (a), and amended by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009 (P.L )
HVRP REGIONS Find a grantee at Boston Region Philadelphia Region Atlanta region Dallas/Denver Region Chicago Region San Francisco Region
Additional Key US DOL VETS Programs Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Veterans' Workforce Investment Program (VWIP) Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Project (HVRP) Disabled Veterans' Outreach/Local Veterans' Employment Representative Programs (DVOP/LVER) Vocational Rehabilitation; and National Veterans' Training Institute (NVTI) training.
Jobs for Veterans’ State Grants Both DVOP and LVER staff are located in the State Workforce Agencies One Stop Career Centers nationwide. LVER staff facilitate the delivery of employment and training opportunities and services for veterans. DVOP specialists provide intensive services to individual veterans with barriers to employment.
Additional Information For more information on U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service programs, please visit our web site at:
Steve Haimowitz tm tm FOR NVTAC INFORMATION 10 Baylee Crone John Rio Gary Shaheen