Michael Treacy Property Registration Authority Ireland Transparency and Access to Information
The Property Registration Authority Responsible for approving/registering all legal transactions affecting property in Ireland Two systems of registration ●Registry of Deeds - “unregistered title” – 12% ●Land Registry – “title registration” – 88% Value of property registered – €1 trillion Value of mortgages registered - €150 billion
Land Registration in Ireland Land Registry established in 1892 Public Register Registration carries State Guarantee Compulsory 1 st registration in 24 out of 26 counties (regions) One of largest databases in Ireland: 1.9 million individual legal titles 2.5 million registered land parcels
Registered Title coverage ● ≥ 88% of legal titles registered nationally ● 7 counties ≥ 99% ● 8 counties ≥ 98% ● 9 counties ≥ 96% ● Cork ≥ 86% ● Dublin ≥ 59%
Access to Information Access to records for professional customers/public in central Land Registry office Access to copy of the Register in 25 regional locations Total reliance on paper record
The way it was 8 million pages of Title Records (paper) 5,000 documents per day retrieved 2 million index records held in 4,000 volumes 36,000 A0-size map sheets 2 million pages of Map Records
The Paper Chase BeforeAfter
Problems accessing information Record/document already in use Delays in retrieving paper files - misfiled or lost Record damaged e.g. age, usage, flood or fire Duplicate local records not up to date Maps not available in Regional Offices Only local information available Delays of 2 weeks to 6 months in issuing official copy documents
Key Strategic Objectives for PRA Improve the quality of service to customers Focus on projects to : Decrease the reliance on paper records Improve production/turnaround times on services Increase the quantity/quality of information provided for customers on-line Implement Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery arrangements Secure irreplaceable records
How the Transformation Happened Integrated Title Registration Information System (ITRIS) to 2002 Online service – 1999 – now Imaged of 8 million pages of paper records to 2004 Digitised 2.5 million land parcel boundaries from paper – 2005 to 2010 Converted more than 800,000 remaining imaged records, (more than 3m. Pages), to structured digitised format – 2007 to 2009 Automated process for issuing copy documents
landdirect.ie Online service operational since 1999 Re-branded in April 2006 Use our property index to find an address and locate a title record Search and locate property using our online digital map View & print title records and ‘filed plan’ maps Obtain details of pending and completed applications Conduct names index searches Request official certified copy folios and filed plans Order official copies of Instruments Track progress of applications during lifecycle Submit applications for registration on-line (e-lodgement) First electronic registration service ‘eDischarges’ March 2009
Growth of online services Year No. of professional users 1,7009,20010,90012,74113,87214,636 No. of online business transactions 0.2 million1.7 million2.2 million2.3 million2.5 million2.6 million
Range of Users 600 Internal PRA Users 14,600 registered landdirect.ie users Pan-European access through European Land Information Service (EULIS)
landdirect.ie Local Authorities UtilitiesNRA Building Societies Land Surveyors RPA Garda Siochana Auctioneers etc. EngineersAcademicsGenealogistsJournalistsRevenueSocial WelfareCAB Architects HSESolicitors Law Searchers Banks 3 Million Online transactions per year – Top 20 Users
Making it Happen Internal Staff Briefings, Training, Coaching, Mentoring Re-deployment to more rewarding and added value tasks Training Manuals, Practice Directions Identifying ‘Change Champions’ Project Boards Project Teams External Customer ‘Outreach’ Programme Roadshows, Seminars, Mailshots, eZines, one-to-one site visits Marketing, Advertising, Trade & National Press Funding Extensive Capital Investment over 10 years
Intangible Benefits of an Accessible and Transparent Register Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Opportunities to promote greater organisational flexibility and improve work processes Improved work environment Improved perception of organisation among stakeholders Better understanding of customer needs and expectations Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery addressed Value & Relevance of organisation increased
External Validation 2005: Overall Winner – Irish eGovernment Awards 2006: Association for Geographic Information - Award for Innovation and Best Practice 2007: Best Project in “Government to Business” category at Inside Government Awards 2007: Finalist at European eGovernment Awards 2007: Winner BT “Inspired” Award 2007: Awarded EU “Good Practice Label” 2010: Best Project in ‘State Body’ category – Irish eGovernment Awards