BudBlackBoodaWeedDraw GangaGrassSkunkSolidsSkully BurnHerbReeferSpliffJoint CheeseSmokeHashDoobieBlow Purple Haze MarijuanaNorthern lights Double Zero Wacky Backy
Top facts Cannabis can make you Chill out Act silly Feel paranoid Feel relaxed Feel hungry (munchies) Thrown up Laugh at nothing (giggly) Pass out Vulnerable to being attacked Fall over Do something stupid
Top facts- continued The effects depend on loads of different things and can be different each time you use. Cannabis comes in different strengths. If you use a type that is stronger than you are used to it can have a totally different effect than you expected. There have been reports in the press that cannabis can trigger underlying mental health problems. This would mean that some people who use cannabis are increasing their chance of having a mental health problems. Some people might smoke (or use other drugs) because thy don’t feel good anyway. The trouble is that they run the risk of making a bad situation even worse. Perhaps you have heard people say that there are no risks with cannabis. It is worth remembering that NO drug is risk free and that definitely includes cannabis.
What it’s like Cannabis comes from the hemp plant. It can come as the dried form of the plant (1), as a resin (2) or as an oil (3). It can be eaten or smoked. A cannabis cigarette is known as a spliff or joint. These are hand rolled cigarettes with cannabis and usually tobacco in them. Remember tobacco kills over 100,000 people each year and is a physically addictive drug. Some people believe tobacco is the biggest danger of smoking a spliff or joint but cannabis comes with risks as well.
Important Facts People who use cannabis daily and feel they can’t go without it have reported these symptoms to us: Paranoia Depression Lethargy Voluntary exclusion from society Lack of interest in anything Sweats and shakes prior to first spliff of the day Night terrors Night sweats Insomnia Suddenly shaking awake throughout the night Aggression Violence and threatening behaviour when in need of cannabis (especially to family/friends in order to get money to buy cannabis)
THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Cannabis is ILLEGAL! There’s always a lot of talk about what class it should be. It doesn’t matter what you call it: weed, skunk, cheese, bud, chronic and all the other names, it is still cannabis and it is still illegal. For the most up to date information visit: