Director of Directorate of Quality Assurance Hawler Medical University in Higher education Dr. Maysoon Al-Haideri Director of Directorate of Quality Assurance Hawler Medical University
What is Quality Assurance (QA): Quality Assurance is the planned and systematic review process of an institution or program to determine whether or not acceptable standards of education, scholarship and infrastructure are being met, maintained and enhanced. The means by which an institution can guarantee with confidence and certainty, that the standards and quality of its educational provision are being maintained and enhanced. Quality Assurance provide tools and processes to enable us to meet our goals.
Accreditation: “The recognition of an institution which can demonstrate that its programmers’ meet acceptable standards and that it has in place effective systems to ensure the quality and continuing improvement of its academic activities, according to the criteria published by the Agency.”
Aim of QA The aim of quality assurance in higher education is to guarantee the improvement of standards and quality in higher education in order to make higher education meet the needs of students, employers and financiers (Lomas, 2002).
Overview The Quality Assurance Directorate at Hawler Medical University was established in 2008- 2009, under the administration of the Vice President of Scientific Affair and Postgraduate Studies to: overlook issues related to quality assurance and accreditation in the educational system, develop an overall strategic plan for quality assurance and accreditation, and assist in improving the quality of the academic programs and that of their graduates. INTRODUCION, OVERVIEW
The Structure and Mechanisms of the Quality Assurance Management The Ministry of Higher Education, is responsible for the overall education system, which took the initiative steps to develop an overall strategic plan for quality assurance and accreditation to assist Higher Education Institutions to improve the quality of their academic programs and that of their graduates.
Board of Quality Assurance and Accreditation: This board was established by the Ministry of Higher education and Scientific Research in to assess and to work with the Directors of Quality Assurance at Universities that monitor the process of quality assurance. The process of the quality assurance is supervised by the Board of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in both public and private institutes of the higher education.
Board members of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Minister Advisor – President General Director of the Quality Assurance and Research at the Ministry Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation at the Ministry Director of the Quality Assurance of the Private Universities Four University Vice President for Scientific Affairs One Institute Vice President
The main role of this Board is to: Introduce quality management procedures. Review and manage the instructions which are released by the ministry of higher education Develop instructions and measurements of the process of quality assurance and accreditation. Assure the management of the quality assurance is in the best way.
The main role of the Board is to, cont. Assess and approve the admission plan for each department, college, and faculty of the public and private universities. - Decide on the accreditation and permission of opening a new department or college at the university, - Introduce corrective action procedures, and - without reviewing of the board no related proposal will be accepted by the ministry.
The Directorate of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development at the University The Directorate of Quality Assurance (DQA) has been established within the University and is headed by the Vice-President of the Scientific Affairs who is responsible for: strategic direction, leadership of teaching and learning across the university, managing and supervising Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) team, planning, maintenance of academic standards, and enhancement of the academic profile of the university The Directorate of Quality Assurance and Curriculum development at the University
For the purposes of this initiative, a Quality Assurance Committee was established in each college to monitor and ensure that the process and achievement of quality are within the standard and that the quality of learning and research are appropriate . The committees have important roles in developing, approving, monitoring and reviewing academic policies and guidelines.
Objectives : 1. Annually facilitate self assessment of all academic programs. 2. Continuously monitors the quality of teaching at delivery points. 3. Annually conduct quality audit affiliate institutions as per the schedule. 4. Facilitate the review of all academic programs 5. Continuously validate/verify new academic programs as per academic quality assurance regulations.
Aim of the Quality Assurance Directorate -To enhance the effectiveness of the university’s core activities and, -To help in improving the teaching and research standards and quality of services at the university. The Directorate of Quality Assurance is charged with the general duties of supervising and assessing quality of all services delivered at the university.
Quality Assurance Processes and Tools The process of quality assurance is created to assess teachers and to protect student rights and this include different program such as: Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA), and the Continues Academic Development (CAD). Both of the mentioned programs have instructions issued by the General Directorate of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHESR).
Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) The TQA program was announced by the Ministry of Higher education and Scientific research (MHESR) to pursue the goals set by the Ministry which are: Introduce confidence in the value of the certificates awarded to students by the universities and Institutes of the Kurdistan Region; Assure the public that the quality of education and lectures offered by our universities and Institutes are up to the level of those offered by international universities;
Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA), cont. Support students during their courses of study; Writing reports, reviewing, following up, observing, filing, decision-making, and Sometimes examining the lecture contents and methodology.
Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA), cont. In summary, one may say that quality assurance should answer the following questions: Is the higher education institution doing the right things? Is it doing the right things in the right way? Does it achieve what it wants to achieve?
Continuous Academic Development (CAD) In order to establish and implement CAD in the universities and colleges, the Scientific Committees of these institutes will lay down a program periodically for the academic seminars. A list of seminars schedule must be submitted to the College Council at the beginning of each semester for approval. A copy of the list should be sent to the Directorate of Quality Assurance at the University Presidency for review.
Elements of Quality Assurance process Quality Assurance Elements Course Book Student’s Feedback External Assessor Teacher Portfolio Continuing Education
Course book The course book is a sort of summary of the subject that the student will be taking during the semester, or during the whole academic year. It should be provided to the student at the beginning of the semester or academic year. The course book should includes the main course topics, the number of hours for each topic, samples of question, list of text books and references, and the personal contact information of the teacher and the coordinator to help eases the connection between the teacher and the students.
Student’s feedback Collecting feedback during the course provides information that can be useful right away, while teachers are still working with students that semester. Asking for student feedback during the course can: Identify features of the course that students find helpful, as well as students’ perception of obstacles to learning. Give you a more informed basis for making decisions while you are still teaching the course. Open lines of communication with students who might not otherwise volunteer their comments.
Responding to Student Feedback: It is important to acknowledge and respond to students’ feedback, but responding does not mean simply fulfilling student requests. Rather, being responsive means considering student input and finding ways to help align student expectations with your teaching and course goals. For example you might choose to make a change recommended by students, but you might also address student perceptions by helping them see the value or purpose of something that they identified as unhelpful.
Responding to Student Feedback:, cont. Your response to the feedback can also create opportunities to clarify your expectations for the class, and open doors for further dialogue with students about their learning. After collecting and analyzing the feedbacks, a copy of the report should be submitted to the Quality Assurance Committee at the college which will therefore be submitted to the Directorate of Quality Assurance at the University. Responding to Student Feedback:, cont.
External Assessor An external examiner is normally a senior academic person from another institution or organization who is specialists in the fields reviewed and knowledgeable about higher education in general. He/ she review and monitor the assessment process of an institution for fairness and academic standards.
Every course has to have an external examiner who is appointed for a period of time. The external examiner reads and approves the course contents and the examination papers, may read some or all of the examination scripts, and generally monitors standards and reports formally on his/her findings. External Assessor, cont.
Main purposes of having External Examiner are: to verify that academic standards are appropriate for the award or part thereof which the external examiner has been appointed to examine; to help institutions to assure and maintain academic standards across higher education awards; to help institutions to ensure that their assessment processes are sound, fairly operated and in line with the institution's policies and regulations.
Teacher Portfolio Teacher Portfolio is a description of an instructor’s major strengths and teaching achievements. It describes documents and materials which collectively suggest the scope and quality of an instructor’s teaching proficiency.
Goal of teacher portfolio The goal of teacher portfolio is to present your teaching skills, experiences and credentials in a meaningful positive package. Teaching portfolios vary considerably depending on numerous factors, including personal preference. In fact, the items that an educator elects to place in a teaching portfolio often communicate much about that individual’s values with respect to teaching and learning.
Teacher Portfolio contain two basic elements: evidence of teaching, and reflections on that evidence. The evidence begins with what is normally listed on curriculum vitae, lists of courses, lists of responsibilities, etc.; however, it extends beyond to include a variety of activities which have had an impact on your teaching. The addition of these other documents adds depth to your teaching curriculum vitae.
Under QA programme each and every academic, regardless of his/her degree, is required to collect points by seeking knowledge and participate in various academic activities such as: publications in scientific/ academic journals whether local or international, participation in conferences, workshops, symposiums, and training courses, supervision on different proposals, thesis and dissertations, with additional activities to enhance the teachers’ skills.
Quality Assurance Model: A model of assuring quality is by: Sets of regulations and guidelines formulated; A self evaluation prepared by the institution; The appointment of a peer group whose review of the institution or programme would start with a review of the self evaluation Site visits by the peer group.
The Four main QA topics are : 1. Development of common terms, definitions and language. 2. Processes and tools to involve faculty, departments, institutions and the higher education system. 3. Methods for working with faculty to develop learning outcomes, measures, findings, actions. 4. Ideas to sustain improvement based on information.
1- Development of common terms, definitions and language
Development of common terms, definitions and language Academic Program Review Goals Assessment Critical Thinking Program Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes Direct Measures Findings/Action Plans
2- Processes and tools to involve faculty, departments, institutions and the higher education system School Department Faculty
3. Methods for working with faculty to develop learning outcomes, measures, findings, actions Workshops Models, guides and examples Communication and resources
Develop cycles of continuous improvement 4. Ideas to sustain improvement based on information Outcomes Measures Findings Action Plans Re-evaluation Develop cycles of continuous improvement
Setting Common Goals among faculty and administrators 1. Student learning 2. Program improvement 3. Faculty development 4. New ideas for teaching & learning 5. Inter-disciplinary communication 6. Fulfilling requirements
Assessment of a Program Assessment is a systematic process of gathering, reviewing and using important quantitative and qualitative data and information from multiple and diverse sources about educational programs, for the purpose of improving student learning, and evaluating whether academic and learning standards are being met.
Essential Elements in Assessment Teaching quality assessment looks at the quality of teaching and learning in specific subjects, especially students learning experience and achievement. It covers: Curriculum design, content and organization Teaching, learning and assessment Student progression and achievement Student support and guidance Learning resources Department level quality management
Student progression and achievement Curriculum should be evaluated to asses how appropriate is the content to each stage of an academic programme, and to the level of the award. The design of the curriculum must secure academic and intellectual progression by imposing increasing demands on the learner over time, in terms of the acquisition of: knowledge and skills the capacity for conceptualization increasing independence in learning.
Self-assessment of programs Self-assessment is an assessment conducted by the institution / department to assess whether programs meet their educational objectives and outcomes with the purpose to improve program’s quality and enhancing students learning. Self-evaluation should review the effectiveness of curriculum design and content in enabling the intended learning outcomes to be achieved.
Desired outcomes of self assessment To be proactive rather than reactive Systematize the process of assessment To be current and take a leadership role in the country Assist in preparing good professionals of tomorrow Initiate improvements to achieve academic excellence
Elements of assessment Purpose identification Outcomes identification Measurements and evaluation design Data collection Analysis and evaluation Decision-making regarding actions to be taken.
What happens after assessments? Action plans Action Plans Emerge from Assessment Plans relate to findings and goals Plans include needed resources Plans include timeline Plans are feasible! Reporting Re-Evaluation New Assessment Action Plans Emerge from Assessment
Concluding Remarks Self assessment will: provide feedback from employers and Alumni and will enable Universities to improve quality and respond effectively to market needs. require dedication from faculty members and commitment from University Administration. establish measurable objectives and evaluate their outcomes to assess if programs meet the educational objectives. facilitate to enhance learning.
Concluding Remarks, cont. Quality Assurance is the responsibility of HEI itself Overnight results not possible. So be patient but consistent in pursuing the agenda Full support of the administration and cooperation of faculty essential to achieve the positive results
Selective ideas You have to have a willing to change If students are not so successful you must have an action plan Website is the main communicator Need clear definitions of terms Importance of collecting data, compiling interpreting, and processing Grades do not tell us good information Pull the data and build your own files The importance of do ability Visions need to be realistic Thinking in a broader sense
Curriculum design, content and organization Self-evaluation should review the effectiveness of curriculum design and content in enabling the intended learning outcomes to be achieved. Teaching, learning and assessment Self-evaluation should review the effectiveness of teaching and learning, in relation to programme aims, the intended learning outcomes and curriculum content:
Objectives of Self Assessment Improve and maintain academic standards Enhance students’ learning. Verify that the existing programs meet their objectives and institutional goals. Provide feedback for quality assurance of academic programs.
Student progression and achievement Curriculum should be evaluated to asses how appropriate is the content to each stage of an academic programme, and to the level of the award. The design of the curriculum must secure academic and intellectual progression by imposing increasing demands on the learner over time, in terms of the acquisition of: knowledge and skills the capacity for conceptualization increasing autonomy in learning.
Laboratories, Computing Institutional Facilities Institutional Support Inputs Output Students Curriculum Graduates that Perform Outcomes that Achieve Educational Objectives Faculty Processing & Delivery Laboratories, Computing and Library Facilities Processes Institutional Facilities Institutional Support Assessment/Feedback Assessment Model
Concluding Remarks Establishing measurable objectives and evaluating their outcomes are difficult activities that are essential to assess if programs’ meet their educational objectives. Conducting self assessment is expected to enhance learning. Self assessment will provide feedback from employers and Alumni and will enable Universities to improve quality and respond effectively to market needs.
Concluding Remarks Assessment will require dedication from faculty members and commitment from University Administration. Assessing academic programs must be supported by other types of assessment. The Dean should take the lead in making faculty members and Administration aware of the big role assessment plays in Education.
Conclusion Achieving Quality and Enhancing it by: Continuous Improvement Through Self Assessment Which Forms The Basic for External Assessment.
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