BACnet - Basic information
A.Klepper2 BACnet = Building Automation and Control Networks is a networkprotocol for building automation systems BACnet – Basic Information
A.Klepper3 (Network) Emergency lighting Central heating BMS DDC-Controller (Direct digital control) BACnet – Basic Information Scematic: BACnet/IP Frequency converter Energy manegement controller Ventilation
A.Klepper BACnet – Basic Information
A.Klepper5 BACnet – Basic Information BACnet protocol: 1. Objects Datapoint Objects –Analog In / Out / Value –Binary In / Out / Value –Mehrstufige In / Out / Value –Objects for counter / pulse Alarm handling Objects –Notification Class (Distribution of alarm messages) –Event Enrollment (Specify of alarm conditions) Diverse objects device information (Device Object) –Time control catalogue / exception catalogue –Trenddata-Objects –Controller -Objects (Loop) –Program / File Objects –Virtual Terminal
A.Klepper6 Bacnet protocol: 2.Object-Properties Properties are parameter of Objects –Example: Mainvalue, Alarmborders, Name, Status BACnet discerns between mandatory and optional properties Properties can be only readable or readable and writable (with BACnet services selectable) object-identifier[75] BACnetObjectIdentifier, object-name[77] CharacterString, object-type[79]BACnetObjectType, present-value[85]REAL, description[28]CharacterString OPTIONAL, device-type[31]CharacterString OPTIONAL, status-flags[111]BACnetStatusFlags, event-state[36]BACnetEventState, reliability[103]BACnetReliability OPTIONAL, out-of-service[81]BOOLEAN, update-interval[118]Unsigned OPTIONAL, units[117]BACnetEngineeringUnits, min-pres-value[69]REAL OPTIONAL, max-pres-value[65]REAL OPTIONAL, resolution[106]REAL OPTIONAL cov-increment[22]REAL OPTIONAL, time-delay[113]Unsigned OPTIONAL, notification-class[17]Unsigned OPTIONAL, high-limit[45]REAL OPTIONAL, and so on BACnet – Basic Information
A.Klepper7 Manufacturer with BACnet devices: BACnet – Basic Information