HIGH DOSES OF VITAMIN D TO REDUCE EXACERBATION IN CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE: A RANDOMIZED TRIAL An Lehouck, PhD; Chantal Mathieu, MD, PhD; Claudia Carremans, MS; Femke Baeke, PhD; Jan Verhaegen, MD, PhD; Johan Van Eldere, MD, PhD; Brigitte Decallonne, MD, PhD; Roger Bouillon, MD, PhD; Marc Decramer, PhD; and Wim Janssens, MD, PhD
Background & Objective COPD is defined as an abnormal inflammatory response of the airways that block airflow and make breathing difficult. Vitamin D deficiency is present in 60-75% of patients with COPD.
Background & Objective Background: Low serum Vitamin D (25- hydroxyvitamin D, or 25-[OH]D) levels associated with lower FEV 1 and increased airway inflammation. Objective: To investigate whether high doses of Vitamin D supplementation could reduce occurrence of COPD exacerbations/flare-ups.
Methods: Study design and participants Single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo- controlled trial in Belgium over 1.5 year period 182 patients with moderate to severe COPD recruited
Methods: Study design and participants Inclusion Criteria: Have COPD diagnosis 50+ years of age Current/former smokers Had less than 80% predicted FEV 1 Exclusion Criteria: Hx of hypercalcemia, sarcoidosis, or active cancer Those being treated with Vitamin D supplements for newly diagnosed osteoporosis Those on long-term antibiotics with anti-inflammatory functions
Methods: Randomization and Masking First, 1 group received low dose Vitamin D ( IU/day) at baseline for osteoporosis; one group not receiving low dose Vitamin D Then, participants randomly assigned to blocks of 20 in which they would either receive monthly oral dose of 100,000 IU Vitamin D or a placebo (those on low dose Vitamin D at starting point were divided evenly among groups)
Methods: Procedures Patients screened during hospitalization for an exacerbation of COPD Randomization occurred 5-6 weeks after screening Baseline characteristics BMI Airflow obstruction Shortness of breath Exercise Capacity Index Charlson Comorbidity Index
Methods: Procedures Primary endpoint: time to first exacerbation Secondary endpoints: exacerbation rate, time to 1 st hospitalization, time to 2 nd exacerbation, FEV 1, QOL, death
Methods: Procedures Follow-up visits every 4 months Patients asked to keep diary every 2 weeks of: Respiratory tract symptoms Hospitalizations Visits to healthcare providers Changes in meds
Methods: Statistical Analysis Study designed to demonstrate at least 25% delay in time to 1 st flare-up 20% receiving low dose Vitamin D at baseline for osteoporosis Of 182 participants, at least 120 needed who were not receiving any Vitamin D treatment at baseline P values <0.05 statistically significant
Results 419 patients screened-> 340 eligible-> 182 included 150 participants completed the study, 15 died, 17 dropped out Overall, collected info on flare-ups for 175 participants, information on survival for all 182
Results Total of 468 exacerbations 229 in Vitamin D group 239 in placebo group
Results No significant difference in median time to 1 st or 2 nd exacerbation, exacerbations per year, or median time to hospitalization for flare-up No significant difference in survival 30 participants were Vitamin D deficient at baseline- 15 randomly chosen to receive Vitamin D supplement Significant increase in serum 25-(OH)D levels
Discussion Main finding: monthly dose of 100,000 IU Vitamin D in addition to regular therapy does not reduce time to 1 st exacerbation or amount of exacerbations in patients with moderate to severe COPD
Discussion: Advantages Study sample prone to exacerbations Most participants chosen during hospitalization were admitted for acute exacerbation
Discussion: Disadvantages Small sample size Most were already receiving treatment to control/decrease exacerbations Difficult to obtain additional information on effect of Vitamin D alone
Discussion Lack of overall Vitamin D effect could be explained by local insensitivity due to smoking or chronic inflammation Supports idea that Vitamin D deficiency in COPD patients could increase risk of flare-ups More studies needed to explore need and safety for recommending higher doses of Vitamin D to see beneficial effects in areas other than bone health