WELCOME! President: Sabina Del Rosso Vice President: Helen Shi Senior Treasurer: Stephen Appert Junior Treasurer: Austin Chang Communications: Paul Zarate Facilities: Anthony Mendoza Web Master: Johnny Chang Advisor: Dale Masterson
AGENDA Role Call Ice Breaker Registration/Finances Committees Facilities By-Law Vote Blue & Gold Dinner
ROLE CALL AIChE ASCE ASME BEAM Berkeley Innovation BESSA BioEHS BMES CalSMV Canoe ChemE Car Construction Team E98 Enviro Team EWH Formula SAE HES HKN IEEE IIE ISPE ITE MSEA oSTEM PASAE PTS SASE SES Steel Bridge SWE Theta Tau TBP XE Young CIE
REGISTRATION Everyone called at role has filled out the registration form. Registration will continue until SEPT 6. to be added to the ESC
FINANCES To receive funding: 1) register (give budget!); 2) attend finance training; 3) no ASUC allocation (for programs $). Finance Training Sessions (in 110AB Bechtel): Tuesday September 6, 6pm-7pm Wednesday September 7, 7pm-8pm Initial Allocation: $200 per group, for fall semester (from programs). Come to Finance Committee (FiComm) to request additional funds. Contact with any questions:
COMMITTEES Finance (FiComm): Meets biweekly to review requests for additional funding. Only 1 student/major (+ alternate) AND only 1 student per society. Application at, by Sept. 9! Social/E-Week Meetings TBA Plan intersocietal events Organize E-Week events and coordinate with student groups Publicity Write announcements for the Daily Cal and COE newsletters to let the community know what ESC and it’s member groups are doing!
FACILITIES More desk space + lockers Everyone needs to move their stuff out of Bridges and organize stuff in 120AB asap (get this done today and this weekend if necessary) What should we do with Bridges? Discuss CardKey access
BY-LAW AMENDMENT Any Presidential nominee must have held an executive officer position in one of ESC’s member organizations or have been an ASUC Senator or Executive. Any Vice Presidential nominee must have held an officer position in one of ESC’s member organizations or aforementioned ASUC positions. All other nominees must have previously been an active member of one of ESC’s member organizations or any of the aforementioned ASUC positions. a) If no nominee meets these requirements for one of the positions, any engineering student will be eligible for the position. b) Each of the ESC’s member organizations shall have the ability to define “executive office position,” “officer position,” and “active member” within the context of their organization’s structure. c) Serving as a member, officer, or executive officer of ESC itself shall not satisfy the eligibility requirements.
BY-LAW AMENDMENT Any Presidential nominee must have held an executive officer position in one of ESC’s member organizations or have been an ASUC Senator or Executive. Any Vice Presidential nominee must have held an officer position in one of ESC’s member organizations or aforementioned ASUC positions. All other nominees must have previously been an active member of one of ESC’s member organizations or any of the aforementioned ASUC positions. a) If no nominee meets these requirements for one of the positions, any engineering student will be eligible for the position. b) Each of the ESC’s member organizations shall have the ability to define “executive office position,” “officer position,” and “active member” within the context of their organization’s structure. c) Serving as a member, officer, or executive officer of ESC itself shall not satisfy the eligibility requirements.
BLUE & GOLD DINNER Sept. 29 th 6:30-8:30 Heynes Room, Faculty Club Invites will be coming out this weekend President or 1 representative from each organization