Presented by Billy Goodwin For Interested and Practicing Physical Therapists and their Businesses
Who benefits from Physical Therapy? Important for the elderly Aids post-injury rehabilitation
Why host a Wellness Program? Help clientele that are 65+ Establish a good relationship with clients Can boost reputation of facility Can aid the community
For use at Physical Therapy facilities Could involve previous patients Instills better lifestyle habits Helps clients strength train
Tools that could potentially be used: WebPT Cybex Machine w/ Plates Versa Discs Weighted Balls UBE Machine
Software program for PTs Helps document progress More efficient than regular pen-and-paper Helps PTs track a client’s gains
Description: Online program for use by Physical Therapists Purpose: Aid clients by recording data Cost: $49/month Where to Buy:
Strength training equipment Multi-purpose tool for different activities Bench press, squats, calf raises, etc.
Description: Machine uses barbell with safety and support Purpose: Strength training, including legs, chest, shoulders, etc. Cost: $ (plates dependent on weight) Where to Buy:
Improve balance Enhance coordination Good for dexterity
Description: Two discs, made of inflatable rubber and plastic material Purpose: Improve balance, coordination, and improve leg and ankle stability Cost: $22.95 Where to Buy:
Good for ball tosses To be used in different exercises, with the Versa Discs Improves proprioception and motor coordination
Description: Rubber balls, loaded with extra weight, filled with air Purpose: Improve functionality, allows client to work dynamically Cost: $15.77 Where to Buy:
Trains upper body Useable by any person, regardless of age Resistance changes can strengthen shoulders
Description: Has the physical appearance of a bicycle, is essentially a bicycle for the arms. Purpose: Useful Upper Body ergometer, is sensitive to those with previous upper body impairments. Cost: $3, Where to Buy:
Helps establish a solid reputation Enhances the Physical Therapy facility Offers different program for patients Good follow-up program for discharged patients Helps prevent further injuries