Fig. 12.01 12.01.jpg
Fig. 12.47 12.47.jpg
Elephantiasis: The swelling results from blocked lymphatic vessels 12.48.jpg
The distribution of blood flow at rest and during exercise. Note how blood conditioning organs (the kidneys and abdominal organs) are able to withstand a significant reduction in blood flow during exercise.
The vascular system Arteries Low resistance conduits Highly elastic Arterioles Major site where total peripheral resistance (TPR) is controlled Control of blood flow to organs and tissues Capillaries and venules Exchange of nutrients, waste, and fluid between the blood and interstitium Largest cross-sectional area and slowest flow Veins Low resistance conduits that return blood to the heart Blood storage reservoir – can be mobilized as needed
The Skeletal Muscle Pump
An Aortic Aneurysm
Varicose Veins
Fig. 12.06 12.06.jpg
Cardiac Muscle Body/019852403x.cardiac-muscle.1.jpg
Normal ECG (a), partial AV block(b) complete AV block (c)
Atrial Fibrillation
Two normal beats, followed by ventricular fibrillation
Heart Sounds
Heart Sounds S1 and S2 are normal S3 and S4 are abnormal
Extra Diastolic Sounds: S3 S3 is produced by the tensing of the chordae tendineae, which occurs during rapid filling and expansion of the ventricles. Common in children and young adults – the flexible ventricles of young people can expand rapidly. In middle-aged or older adults often indicates excessive volume in the ventricles, which usually indicates heart failure.
Extra Diastolic Sounds: S4 Produced by the left or right venticle contracting against a stiffened ventricle Usually indicates a loss of compliance of the ventricle due to ventricular hypertrophy or myocardial ischemia
The heart murmur associated with mitral valve prolapse Mitral valve prolapse causes a late systolic murmur
Mitral Valve Prolapse Mitral valve prolapse is an example of valve insufficiency. Abnormally shaped valve leaflets are pushed into the left atrium during late systole.
The length-tension relationship
Children with Kwashiorkor