Outline Why go for funding, is the pain necessary? Sources of funding advice Sources of funding (overview) Big players and the types of funding available Trusts and foundations Securing funding
Why go for funding, is the pain necessary? Real pressure on all budgets Schools unable to “stand still” Strategic direction needed Partnership and networking
Funding Advice A lot out there Will vary for what you want Lots of support for: Environment Sports Food Talk to County, District, Parish Councils; ACRE;
Funding Websites
Funding Websites Subscription sites:
Funding Sources Public sector Local funding opportunities, PTA etc Big grant funders Trusts and foundations
Public / Statutory Sources Central government initiatives Learning and skills pots Local authorities
Big Players Lottery funding Big Lottery Fund Heritage Lottery Fund The Sport England Small Grants Programme Tesco’s
Trusts and Foundations Fund activities that fall within their trust deed or governing document Most cover specific geographical areas Often managed by committees, run by volunteers Often smallish one-off grants, reluctant to fund core costs Like innovative projects and those that might lever in other funds
Larger Trusts and Foundations Lloyds TSB foundation Garfield Weston Foundation Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Paul Hamlyn foundation
Tips for funding applications Full cost recovery Evidencing need Value of Community Involvement: Outcomes
Structure of a funding application Summary of entire proposal Why project is necessary What it will achieve How it will be implemented How it will be measured Sustainability Budget
Tips for writing fund letters Plain English, and active language Human interest Avoid assumptions Local support for your idea Carefully target the priorities of the funder Formatted and structured well
Emma Powlett Contact: Tel: