Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Using the Right FACTS Can Be Informative: Florida’s Statewide Student Information System Linda Thanasides Marsha Stickel Director, FCAAS Asst. Director, FCAAS Copyright L. Thanasides, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 How Did It All Start? State of Florida was mandated to establish a statewide advising system in 1996 to link 38 public post-secondary institutions for information transfer FACTS (Florida Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students) was created Just named Florida’s official college advising web site
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Why a Statewide System? 50% projected increase in college-age students in next 10 years Legislative initiatives to accommodate growth –“Out in 4” program –Pay for excess hours –Performance-based budgeting –Reduce degree programs to 120 hours
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 What is FACTS? Distributed, platform independent, web- based delivery system Links institutions together with real-time communication Interfaces with each institution’s host applications to maintain data integrity
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 INSTITUTION E, F,... INSTITUTION A, B,... Institutional Communication Servers - Applications and Data at Host Sites Students/Administrators, etc. Admissions Advising Career Tracking Fee Transactions Financial Aid Library Registration Florida Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students Data Flow 9/21/98
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 FACTS Provides Services Students can –Retrieve transcripts and academic advising –Perform degree program searches –See what is needed to complete a degree at any other institution in the system –Construct “what if” scenarios –Make coursework assumptions for educational planning –Apply for admissions to multiple schools –Link to other sites for college planning
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 FACTS Provides Services Students will soon be able to: -Retrieve Articulated Audit Evaluations –Access Transient Student Process on-line –Maintain a career portfolio from high school through college to share with prospective employers
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 FACTS Provides Services Administrators can: –Access Paperless Transient Student Process –Retrieve Counseling Manuals –Retrieve and Update Florida Student Handbook and other manuals –Utilize Statewide licenses
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 FACTS Provides Information For Example: –Admissions –Student records –Registration –Financial Aid –Fee Payments –Student Services –Library Services –Career Counseling –Distance Learning –High Schools –Job Markets
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Institutional Benefits Utilize knowledge and expertise of Center staff for services - Software packages provided by Center for institutional development if necessary Sharing of data and processes previously unavailable All institutions can have a web presence Greater exposure to potential students
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Institutional Benefits Cost efficiencies are occurring: -Institutions not buying software for services that FACTS can provide -Postage savings: grades, transcripts, and degree audits are not being mailed -Staff can handle other tasks due to less student traffic -Greater number of students can be seen since less time is spent with advising appointments- students are better prepared by reviewing their data online first
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Student Benefits One web address to gather information Gather information without having to go to several campus offices Provide off-campus services to distance learners Allow almost 24-hour-a-day access to student information
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Student Benefits Transfer between institutions is easier Interagency agreements make student access to information easier –Common course numbering –Articulation agreements –Common prerequisites Students are better informed
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 State of Florida Benefits Interagency sharing of information Eliminate duplicity of interagency data Save on resources for maintaining and distributing manuals – one point of entry Postage saved on mailing manuals Improved communication and knowledge among institutions and agencies
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Statewide Collaboration State departments are sharing information –Division of Colleges and Universities –Division of Community Colleges –High School Districts –State Financial Aid Offices –Division of Labor –Workforce Innovation (job market info) –Scholarships –Private and Independent Colleges and Universities –Vocational/Technical Schools –Department of Motor Vehicles
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 Impact on Policy Hours of business Distribution of information (online vs mailed) Processing electronic signatures Online Forms (residency affidavits, fee payments, etc.) Standardizing processes and data Where data is being stored-appropriate data can be centralized (manuals, residency guidelines) Pressure to offer quality services (students, state legislature, competitive institutions)
Copyright - L. Thanasides, 2002 VISIT THE SITE! FACTS.ORG