Creating Safe Schools, Managing Resources, & Academic/Career Counseling CED607: Unit 3B Harvey Hoyo, Ed.D. Course Custodian National University: Costa Mesa
Objectives CLO3: Analyze the variety of student support programs that work together at the school site CLO4:Appraise the history and foundation, and current standards of the school counseling profession CLO5: Argue the merit of professional associations associated with the school counseling profession and their role in advocacy
Pre-Write List ten safe school concerns facing educators today.
Risk Factor Chart Individual/Peer Alienation/Rebelliousness Friends engaging in problem behavior Favorable attitudes towards problem behavior Family Family management problems Family Conflict School Early academic failure Early Conduct problems Not engaged Community Availability of drugs/weapons/gangs Community disorganization Poverty
Protective Factor Chart Caring & Support Nurturing staff with positive role models Peer support/mentoring Personal attention/interest Supportive school leadership High Expectation s Emphasis on higher order academics Avoidance of negative labeling/tracking Minimum focus on mastery of basic skills Opportunities for Meaningful Participation Leadership/decision-making by students Engaged in extra curricular activities Parent participation in instruction Culturally diverse curricula/experiences
Write out your thoughts... Using the Tiered Model as a Framework, how can school counselors involve themselves with the three protective factors? -Sample Intensive Interventions -Sample Strategic Interventions -Sample Core Counseling Programs
Enhancing the Positive School Culture Positive School Culture Behavior Climate Academics Outcomes
Positive Outcomes Empowered Bonded Self-directed Adults Self-regulated Confident in abilities Socially responsible Students Safer school Teacher/Staff Retention Cost Effective District
Process for Second Order Change #1: Establish team & I.D. Purpose #2: Assess school’s strengths & needs #3: ID Goals & Expected Outcomes #4: Implement strategies & programs #5: Monitor & Evaluate Process & Outcomes
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. ReflectEducateSecurePrepareExamineCooperateTransform
Global Economy Blueprint For Reform
SCANS Affective & Academic Foundational Skills Personal Qualities
SCANS: BASIC SKILLS Reading Writing Math Speaking Listening
SCANS: Thinking Skills Creativeness Decisivenes s Problem Solving Reasonin g
SCANS: Personal Qualities Self- Esteem Self- Management Integrity Sociability
Career Tools Occupational Outlook Handbook
Connecting Student Motivation to Competencies Self Awareness Skills in career planning Establish career goals Career exploration Visualize a positive future Connect their skills to motivation for education Career Guidance Programs
Enhancing the College Admission Process College Visits Computer Information College Fairs Satisfaction with college decision