* What is reading? * Challenges for older readers and writers * What can I do to help? * What is available to support me? * Questions * Reading and writers in the 21 st Century
What is reading? Prior Knowledge Socio-Cultural Knowledge Syntactic Knowledge Graphophonic Knowledge What do we already know about this subject/type of book/author/film-maker? What words and ideas might we expect in this type of text? What experiences have we had like this? Does it sound right? Is that correct English grammar? What sounds do these chunks make? Prefixes, suffixes, word root knowledge Sound symbol relationships Does that make sense? Comprehension Does that fit what you know? Does that match the picture/ diagram/chart? Comprehension Comprehension What cultural and social practices surround this type of text?
Reading and the 21 st Century Television Packaging Video Games Computer Programs Road Signs Movies Radio Programs Mobile Phones Reading is more than understanding print matter. It involves making meaning from a variety of texts including:
Phonics by itself is not enough… Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteers are in the rghit pclae: the rset can be a toatl mses but you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae we don’t raed ervey lteter but the word as a wlohe.
Challenges for older readers … We are always reading to learn… however at this level, the reading strategies have become automated and the brain now has more available space to focus on content, comprehension and connections. Moving from learning to read… … to reading to learn
More homework and academic demands result in less time to read for pleasure and to experience the world. Challenges for older readers … This is a turning point where some students may switch off reading and writing for real life purposes and see it purely as an academic requirement.
Challenges for older readers … Moving from texts with picture support, repetitive language and predictive structures… …to more dense text with less support.
Challenges for older readers … Moving from concepts known in the first language which can be transferred to the second language… …to concepts unknown in either language. No prior knowledge or vocabulary in either language
Moving from simple requirements in writing, with lots of demonstrations and modeling… …to independent writing and group work. Challenges for older readers …
A greater focus on non-fiction writing: - reports - expositions (discussion, debate) - persuasive writing - explanations - procedures No prior knowledge or vocabulary in either language
Less obvious growth in reading and writing skills… Challenges for older readers … Parents may become concerned that they can’t see the same rate of OBVIOUS progress that they witnessed in the early years.
What can I do to help? Strong oral language is the foundation of successful reading. Talk is central to all aspects of literacy development. Model reading and writing to your child. It is important for your child to see you reading and writing for real purposes and enjoyment. Continue to read to your children even when they can read independently. This can be in either language as knowledge of the world is being developed and can be transferred. Support your child’s reading choices. This may include comic books, computer programs, graphic novels or magazines. Remember, easier texts give children access to new concepts allowing for deeper comprehension and understanding to occur within more complex texts. Worry much less about your child’s reading and writing levels and much more about reading and writing for pleasure and real life purposes (G-Market, baseball, recipes, movies, dramas, newspapers, maps, sat nav, signs, advertising…).
Promote reading. Use books, audio books and electronic books as rewards, gifts and incentives. Encourage your child to talk with you about their ideas before writing and use some sort of organizer to record their ideas and plan. Use ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ (5 Ws + 1) Accept that the skills in writing don’t necessarily occur at the same time. When focusing on content, creativity and ideas, spelling and grammar may slip. When focusing on spelling and grammar, ideas and creativity may not flow as easily. Writing is a process.
How can I motivate my child to read?
Questions? Thank you for your time. If you would like further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.