Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan


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Presentation transcript:

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Background to the Survey Annual review of staff wellbeing as an indicator of patient care Running for a number of years enabling comparisons for progress Important indicator for the Trust Board and part of CQC rating Based around 4 key pledges: To provide all staff with clear roles, responsibilities and rewarding jobs To provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs, and line management support to succeed To provide support and opportunities for staff to maintain their health, well-being and safety To engage staff in decisions that affect them, the services they provide and empower them to put forward ways to deliver better and safer services Additional themes – Staff satisfaction and Equality and Diversity

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan 2010 Results by previous non-integrated organisations Community Health Oxfordshire Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

Community Health Oxfordshire

Community Health Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Actions taken to address the areas where either below average or worst 20% Pledge 1: Clear roles and responsibilities Strategic framework agreed and linking to personal objectives Job design will reflect the new framework Staff conferences scheduled through the year Divisional away days to ensure dissemination of strategy Additional ‘Effective Teams’ interventions across the Trust Monthly manager cascade for key messages in place Monthly message from Directors Annual calendar of staff events Back to the Floor launched December 2011 (top 4 management tiers) Pledge 2: Personal development and line management support Seek feedback from staff on what is important to them in terms of recognition Develop reward and recognition scheme for the Trust and implement Review training and development activities to support leadership development Request staff views on leadership/development Promote training and development opportunities more widely Launch revised leadership and management development programme April 2012 Induction/ Mandatory training revamp, more accessible and flexible delivery Appraisal system revised and changes implemented from April 2012

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Actions taken to address the areas where either below average or worst 20% Pledge 3: Staff safety and well-being Occupational Health taking lead on managing stress more effectively - draft Wellbeing paper under consideration Review and promote staff schemes e.g. discounts/ access to local services (bike, gyms, yoga) Occupational Health events through the year i.e. ‘look after yourself’ sessions Monitoring causes of reported stress through Occupational Health Redevelop wellbeing section on intranet Pledge 4: Staff involvement in decision making to improve service delivery Establish Trust wide CAB / Divisional CAGs and invite reps to join working group Communications plan to share CAB / CAG info (survey and consultation meetings led to their development) CAGs have been set up and led by newly appointed Clinical Directors Clinical Directors are supported in Divisions by Clinical Leads for each service and focus for CAGs is strategic and operational Schedule of Executive Director visits in place Executive feedback from visits to Executive Board actions agreed and implemented further feedback to staff Develop new mechanisms for staff to feedback views to Senior Managers (not all electronic e.g. graffiti boards)

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Actions taken to address the areas where either below average or worst 20% Staff Satisfaction Review Membership and ToRs of Wellbeing Group Develop work/ action plan Set regular meetings for progress updates - monthly Audit what already exists and review Develop consistent approach across Trust to local surveys Provide feedback and actions for staff Develop plan and format for local staff surveys in year x4. Run focus groups prior to annual national staff survey to determine actions that have made a difference to people Equality and Diversity Introducing competency based recruitment Publish diversity information on the Trust website Equality impact assessments applied to organisational changes Review of learning / development opportunities Q4

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Divisional Action Plans – exceptions to main plan Children and Families Division Each team within the division: 1) has clear objectives and are working together to achieve these objectives 2) understands how their roles contribute to Trust vision 3) is aware of the Trust operational and clinical management structures 5) is aware of the Trust vision 6) Staff are Involved in any team decision making. 7) has a joint clinical and managerial staff approach to problem solving 8) Shadowing opportunities made available for staff to work with senior management team All community staff issued with tottles – hand washing facilities are available in all clinical areas. Mental Health Division Completion of half yearly 12 questionnaire survey by all teams. Feedback of concern discussed with team managers for improvement plan. Safeguard system updated August 2011 all staff have received appropriate training Review of PMVA training and top level review of course content complete Staff encouraged to report incidents when any incidents occur Modern Matrons and CMHT managers continuing the roll out of Productive Ward and Productive Community to ensure staff do have a voice in making changes

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Divisional Action Plans – exceptions to main plan Community Services Division Violence and aggression to staff reviewed on a case by case basis Mental health team supporting community staff to manage patient aggression effectively Provide training in handling patient aggression Improving staff satisfaction through Divisional team building events Leadership training implemented Review of reasons why staff may wish to leave and what would keep them in service including exit questionnaires Re-structure of teams to reflect work areas / workloads Specialised Services Division Undertaken local staff survey with positive staff satisfaction outcomes Staff encouraged to report incidents and concerns in all areas Staff development opportunities considered against service needs and development Feedback to HR on poor payroll service. Provider has been changed Appraisals have achieved Trust wide target Focus currently on Mandatory training

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Corporate Action Plan – exceptions to main plan Corporate Directorates Enhanced flexible working (pilot ) implemented Focus on achieving Trust wide target for Appraisal and achieved Dress down Friday introduced with link to Charitable donations Re-structuring of some corporate services in line with Divisional structure adding greater clarity to role / purpose

Oxford Health Staff Wellbeing and Culture Action Plan Next Steps 2011 results will be added to this progress report when available – Expected mid February 2012 Progress indicator will be adjusted when the results have been taken into account Actions are intended to have longer term impact and may not yet see this in 2011 results Four local surveys will take place in 2012 themed around the 4 pledges to gauge impact of current actions and where further work is necessary Directorates / Divisions will be expected to report on local progress through the Wellbeing Group and from here to the MC Staff Survey Sub-Committee CQC Quality and Risk Profile will be monitored closely against Trust wide and Divisional action plans 1 2 3 4 5 6