Front-wheel drive car. *The FWD platform is used in many reliable vehicles,such as a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry. * FWD mean that the two forward vehicles are responsible for moving the car.
Main points. 1-Parts of FWD & how does it work. 2-Advantages. 3-Disadvantages. 4-FWD VS RWD.
*PARTS OF FWD. 1-gear box. it take the motion from the engine and we can modify the received velocity on it 2-differential. it is apart mounted by bolts downward the gear box and take the output motion from the gear box and deliver it to the drive shafts (CV joints). 3-drive shafts. it take the motion from the differential to the two vehicles.
*ADVANTAGES. 1- Front-wheel drive is more speedy than rear wheel drive car because of the mechanical losses reduces due to short distance between the engine and the differential. 2-Economic in using petrol due to the push power is nearby to the engine. 3-It is also lighter than the rear- wheel drive.
*DISADVANTAGES. 1- FWD depends on drive shafts which contain CV joints which allow the vehicles to move in all directions that have a lot of defects. 2-Expensive maintenance. 3-Difficulty to direct the car when we start moving with high speed. 4- Unbalanced car because the mass is concentrated at the forward part of the car only.
*FWD VS RWD 1- Load on tires *The biggest benefit to rear wheel drive is that it spreads the loads of the car across all four tires of a car, the rear wheel do the pushing while the front wheels are for the steering duties. * In front wheel drive cars the front tires must perform both functions, the engine acceleration\deceleration forces act on the front wheels that’s beside the steering duties. 2- Better weight balance *Rear wheel drive cars have the engine in the front and the drive components in the rear, but the front drive cars have every thing up front. *So by balancing the front and rear of the car you can improve the handling, acceleration, braking and thus safety of the car.
3-Torque Steer *Front wheel Drive cars have a problem known as Torque Steer. This occurs when the acceleration of the engine effects the cars steering. Since the driveline is connected to the steering wheels the torque of the engine applies force to the front wheels causing the car to pull to the right during acceleration. *Rear Drive cars do not have this problem since the engine is not connected to the steering gear.
FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE CAR. الاسم الفصل محمود فتحي عبدالعليم 6 محمد محسن احمد 5 محمد فوزي سليمان 5 محمود أحمد ثروت 5 عبدالمنعم سعيد عبدالمنعم 3 مقدم للدكتور / سعد عبدالحميد.