Los mandatos formales Español II
With whom do you use formal commands? Option 1: Someone you don’t know Option 2: Group of people
Formal Ud. Commands Commanding 1 person to do something Someone you would use Ud. with Teachers Adults People in authority People you don’t know
Formal Ud. Commands Go to the yo Drop the -o Add: For –ar → -e For –er / --ir → -a To make the command negative, add no
Formal Ud. Commands -car →changes to → -que(n) -gar -gue(n) -zar These verbs will have spelling changes: -car →changes to → -que(n) -gar -gue(n) -zar -ce(n) -ger/-gir -ja(n) -guir -ga(n)
Formal Uds. Commands Commanding multiple people to do something
Formal Uds. Commands Go to the yo Drop the -o Add: For –ar → en For –er / --ir → -an To make the command negative, add no
Irregulars (both Ud. and Uds.) The following verbs are ALWAYS irregular ir →changes to → vaya(n) ser sea(n) dar dé / den estar → changes to→ esté(n) saber sepa(n)
Object Pronouns and Commands
Reflexive Pronouns Because you are always commanding either Ud. or Uds., the reflexive pronoun you will always use is se. Remember, only use a reflexive pronoun when the verb is done to one’s self. How do you know a verb is reflexive? The infinitive will end in se.
Reflexive Pronouns If the command is negative: First, add a no Then, place the se in front of the command but after the no. Ejemplo: No se duche.
Reflexive Pronouns If the command is affirmative: First, add the se at the end of the command. Then, accent the third from the last syllable. Three back – add an acc! (accent) Ejemplo: ¡Dúchese!
Reflexive Pronouns: Ejemplo Cepillarse (Uds. command) Step 1. Take off the se → cepillarse Step 2. Go to the yo → cepillo Step 3. Drop the –o → cepill-
Reflexive Pronouns: Ejemplo Cepillarse (Uds. command) Step 4. Add opposite ending → cepillen Step 5. Add se to the end of verb → cepillense Step 6. Break the word up into its syllables → ce-pi-llen-se Step 7. Add the accent on the third from the last syllable → ¡Cepíllense!
Práctica Lavarse Sentarse Acostarse no bañarse no dormirse ¡Lávense! ¡Siéntense! Acostarse ¡Acuéstense! no bañarse ¡No se bañen! no dormirse ¡No se duerman!
Object Pronouns To add direct object (lo/la/los/las) or indirect object (me/te/le/nos/les) pronouns use the exact same steps as reflexives.
Object Pronouns If the command is negative, the DOP or IOP will go before the command but after the no. If the command is affirmative, the DOP or IOP will be attached to the end of the command. You will need an accent on the third from the last syllable.
Direct Object Pronouns Me Nos Te Os Lo / la Los/las
Indirect Object Pronouns Me Nos Te Os Le Les