Effective Presentation Skills Randy Graff, PhD
Overview PlanningCreatingDelivering Practical Use Facilitating Adult Learning
SiteAddress Bubbl.ushttps://bubbl.us DabbleBoardhttp:// PBWorkshttp://pbworks.com GoogleDocshttp://docs.google.com Sakaihttp://lss.at.ufl.edu Idee Inchttp://labs.ideeinc.com MS Office Templateshttp://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates Note and Pointhttp://noteandpoint.com Duartehttp://blog.duarte.com/category/tips-2 Information is Beautifulhttp:// Multimedia Learninghttp://multimedialearning.com iSpring Freehttp://free.ispringsolutions.com SlideSharehttp:// Slide Rockethttp:// Dropboxhttp:// Prezihttp://prezi.com
Audience Polling
Considerations Time Audience Location Goals Need to Know Nice to Know To For With Before and After Present Prepare Lighting Technology
Think about lighting 11
Think about size 12 Think about seating
Planning software Bubbl.ushttp://
Planning software Dabbleboard
18 WikiDocuments Project Sites Sakai
How much text is too much? Active lecturing 2. Effective handouts 3. Learning strategies 4. Assessment techniques 5. Pedagogy 6. Brainstorming 7. Show slide with statement or question 8. Partner up and brainstorm things that relate 9. Write list, concept map, narrative
Better? Active lecturing 2. Effective handouts 3. Learning strategies 4. Assessment techniques 5. Pedagogy
Different 23 Active lecturing Effective handouts Learning strategies Assessment techniques Pedagogy
Smart Art What factors support faculty self efficacy in readiness to teach online? What factors impede faculty readiness to teach online? What motivations do faculty hold concerning readiness to teach online? What de-motivations do faculty hold concerning readiness to teach online? What are the perceived causes of faculty resistance to web based teaching? What attitudes and beliefs are conducive to faculty teaching online ?
Smart Art What factors support faculty self efficacy in readiness to teach online? What factors impede faculty readiness to teach online? What motivations do faculty hold concerning readiness to teach online? What de-motivations do faculty hold concerning readiness to teach online? What are the perceived causes of faculty resistance to web based teaching? What attitudes and beliefs are conducive to faculty teaching online?
Text Times Roman is a serif font. Ariel is a sans serif font. 14 point text 16 point text 18 point text 20 point text 24 point text 28 point text 32 point text 36 point text Easy to read
Take a breath…
Color Choices 28
Better Color Choices 29
Consistent Colors
Re-Design Clinical Case StudyResearch Study
Day 1 Patient is admitted to the ICU with respiratory failure: Respiratory rate 28 breaths/min, peripheral oxygen saturation 95% (6 L oxygen/min via mask) He has been hospitalised for 4 weeks because of haemophagocytic syndrome (diagnosis by bone marrow smear) Received therapy: HLH4 protocol (etoposide, dexamethasone, cyclosporin A) History of multiple periods of fever of unknown origin
Respiratory Rate 28 breaths/min Peripheral O2 saturation 95% (6 L oxygen/min via mask) Received therapy HLH4 protocol (etoposide, dexamethasone, cyclosporin A) Patient History He has been hospitalised for 4 weeks because of haemophagocytic syndrome (diagnosis by bone marrow smear) History of multiple periods of fever of unknown origin Patient is admitted to the ICU with respiratory failure: Day 1 Today Is
What is Substance Abuse? According to WHO 1 –“…the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs” Beliefs 2 –Big deal? –Moral weakness or character defect?
What is Substance Abuse? 36 According to WHO 1 …the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. What’s the big deal? It’s a moral weakness or character defect. Beliefs 2
Purpose of Study To find out what barriers emergency department health care workers face with providing referrals for substance abuse patients that need further care
Purpose of Study
Acknowledgements Advisory Committee Chair: Preceptor: University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions
Acknowledgements Advisory Committee Chair:Preceptor:
Take a breath…
Bus Stop Evaluation Criteria 1. The landing area is at least 5 feet wide and 8 feet deep adjacent to the curb or street 2. The landing area is made of concrete
Landing area 5’ by 8’ The landing : concrete
City Commission meeting Invitation by Commissioner Donovan at Consumer Forum to present at a future City Commission meeting August 11, 2008 Students presented to Mayor as well as full City Commission Agenda item (080133): Encapsulate Back up information (Needed two weeks prior to presentation) Accommodation requests must be made prior
Students presented to Mayor and full City Commission Two Weeks Prior Information needed Accommodation requests due
Gathering Information About the Case TB Reporting Sources: –Hospitals –Doctors’ offices –Correctional facilities –Laboratories
Hospitals TB Reporting Source
Doctors’ Offices TB Reporting Source
Correctional Facilities TB Reporting Source
Laboratories TB Reporting Source
Collecting Information From the Reporting Source Site of disease Symptoms Date of onset TST/IGRA results Sputum test results Chest x-ray/CT Medical History –TB –HIV status –Treatment regimen –Comorbidities Psychosocial History –Substance abuse –Incarcerration Demographics
Collecting Information From the Reporting Source Site of disease Symptoms Date of onset TST/IGRA results Sputum test results Chest x- ray/CT
Site of Disease
Chest X-Ray
Date of Onset
Sputum Test Results
TST/IGRA results
Take a breath…
Methods Guy Kawasaki 10 Slides 20 Minutes 30 Point font Seth Godin Cue cards in your hand not on the screen Slides reinforce your words, not say them Leave behind a written document 9/the_godin_metho.html 9/the_godin_metho.html
Pollution in Houston EPA Data Increase of 10 PPM over the past five years Decrease in overall quality Highest pollution in the state and region Causes New production from factories Increased number of older cars on the road Impact Increased cases of Asthma Higher mortality rates for high risk infants
Pollution in Houston
Sharing Presentations 63
Obstacles Can encourage passivity Can discourage interaction Overloaded with details 65
Active Lecturing - Handouts Make available before class Provide skeletal outline Discourage coming to class Rehash what is on slides Preview content and come prepared 66 Encourage note taking Sets expectations Time to build Time to be effective
Last time we covered… Point a Point b Point c Important dates- Presentation Due Lab 3 Due No Class Method of Teaching
68 Don't tell me the lady screamed. Bring her on and let her scream!
Active Lecturing 69
Turn to a neighbor and come up with a difficult question Collect verbally or on paper to repurpose on practice exams or lectures Stump your partner Turn to a partner and compare notes Focus on most important and confusing points Note check Active Lecturing Gives students investment in course content 70
Active Lecturing Breathe People can’t really attend to lectures beyond 15 minutes without losing focus and mind wandering 71
Speak Visually
Active Lecturing - End 76
SiteAddress Bubbl.ushttps://bubbl.us DabbleBoardhttp:// PBWorkshttp://pbworks.com GoogleDocshttp://docs.google.com Sakaihttp://lss.at.ufl.edu Idee Inchttp://labs.ideeinc.com MS Office Templateshttp://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates Note and Pointhttp://noteandpoint.com Duartehttp://blog.duarte.com/category/tips-2 Information is Beautifulhttp:// Multimedia Learninghttp://multimedialearning.com iSpring Freehttp://free.ispringsolutions.com SlideSharehttp:// Slide Rockethttp:// Dropboxhttp:// Prezihttp://prezi.com
Thank you for your time!