Michelle Hitchcock, Librarian Cooperstown Middle High School
Solutions Learning Styles Reflections Database Explanations Selection of Texts Information Sharing
Learning Styles Acknowledge your style Acknowledge the student’s style Acknowledge the teacher’s style Reflect upon the individual! For Multiple Intelligences refer to: Silver, Tr. Harvey F, Ed., D. and Thomas Dewey. “An Introduction to the C.R.A.F.T. of Thoughtful Leading, Learning, and Teaching.” The Thoughtful Classroom. Silver Strong *& Associates. PDF.
Reflection Evaluations Personal Instructional Program Set goals Personal Professional
KWL What you KNOWWhat you WANT to knowWhat you LEARNED
Learning Process Life-long learners Students Teachers If teachers continue to learn; students continue to learn.
Databases Detailed handout Abbreviated handout Research handout
Database Handout Detailed Information Grolier Online (encyclopedia and reference books) This has multiple encyclopedias for elementary to middle school to high school students. Locate information according to reading level. User: Password: Abbreviated Information Grolier Online (encyclopedia and reference books) User: Password:
Research Paper (Grades 8-12) OPALS—find books in this library on your topic Gale Databases—find general information World Book and Grolier—find general information CERF—find Internet resources Library Web Page—Click on “History Resources”—find history based Internet resources
Debate Topics (High School) OPALS—find books in this library on your topic Gale Databases—find background information from encyclopedias and statistics and current articles from magazines, newspapers, and academic journals FirstSearch—find statistics and articles from magazines, newspapers, and academic journals Internet Search Engines—find specific web sites that show both sides of the debate OR web sites that support only one side of the debate (EVALUATE each web site!)
Selection of Texts Book Lists English Lit Circles Medieval Titles Primary Sources Social Studies Science
Teaching Teachers Selecting appropriate reading materials OPAC resources Lexiles and AR Grolier (Lexiles and grade level identified) Database enhancements Read text aloud Download to MP3 Translate
Information Sharing Research Guide Book Lists Password sheet variations
Information Sharing Showcase materials Books and Bagels Faculty Meetings Signage Announcements
Information Sharing Offer explanations Research Guide Library orientation Bibliography instruction Plagiarism presentation
Bibliographies Collaboration Graded component Pass/Fail input Actual Instruction Research Guide In-text citations Writing bibliographies Plagiarism (Great Research Rubric: Bernadowski, Carianne. “Research Process Rubric” Library Media Connection Nov./Dec. 2009: 38. Print.)
R eflect E xplain A ct D eliver