By: Spencer
Why I chose It I chose Disney World because I went there and had a lot of fun. I also chose it because I want to learn more about it. I wonder how much time it took to build it.
About Disney World Disney World was announced to be built on November 15,1965. When it first opened it was a total cost of $400 million dollars. It had 2 hotels, golf courses, campgrounds, lakes, lagoons, fishing, and water sports. Although the parks still weren’t completely finished.
Who Started it Walt Disney was known as the creator of Disney World. Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. His father was Elias Disney and his mother was Flora Disney. Then after he was born they moved to Marceline, Missouri. This is where he lived most of his life. Walt loved his art. He would draw pictures and sell them. Walt enlisted in the army but was rejected because of age. Then he joined Red Cross. Walt Disney Married Lillian Bounds. Then Walt had 2 daughters Diane and Sharon. Then when they were going to build Disney World, he died. He died on December 15, 1966.
Walt Disney
Mission Statement To Make People Happy
Amusement Parks Magic Kingdom Epcot Animal Kingdom Hollywood studios
Water Parks Blizzard Bleach Typhoon Lagoon
Downtown Disney Downtown Disney- is a place where they have a huge Lego land, comedians, and places to eat. When you go there will be a nice scenery. It is a place that you just relax. They have cool places to eat.
Magic Kingdom Magic Kingdom was the first park built. It was built on October 1 st, It had approximately 17 million visitors. Here are their attractions. kingdom/
Epcot The Epcot was the 2 nd park built. It opened on September 28 th It took 3 years to build the Epcot. They estimated 800 million to 1.4 billion dollars. Below is their attractions. kingdom/attractions/ /
Animal Kingdom Animal Kingdom was the last park added. It opened on April 22 nd This one is more about animals but they still have some rides. Below is their attractions. kingdom/attractions/
When I went there When I went there we ate at this old restaurant with old cars and while you were eating you sat in these old cars and watched old cartoons. I forgot the cars are nice! Then we went to all the parks and rode the rides, the line took about 45 minutes. That’s not to bad.
Roller Coasters Expedition Everest Expedition Everest Big Thunder Mountain ture=pyv&ad= &kw=disney%20world
Descriptive Paragraph There are seven characters. They’re acting funny. There is a Donald the duck, Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, 2 rabbits, and that dog. Sorry I forgot his name! They ‘re on a bridge. Some have their hands sticking out like their bowing. There is all animals in the picture. They’re on the castle. They’re on a concrete bridge or balcony.
Websites I used rks_at_Disney_World rks_at_Disney_World w=1024&bih=629&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=cllxARmjfNpnIM: &imgrefurl= kingdom- address.asp&docid=u8X6v8vUsoU5KM&imgurl= address.jpg&w=446&h=531&ei=- gt7T8KUJ8jIgQeevoX7Ag&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=379&vpy=60 &dur=131&hovh=245&hovw=206&tx=142&ty=138&sig= &page=1&tbnh=123&tbnw=108&start=0& ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0
More Websites short.html short.html &bih=629&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=RBnTZUVnz3YcbM:&i mgrefurl= ot/epcot1.htm&docid=mpro9ba0Z0GimM&imgurl= jpg&w=600&h=450&ei=hFd8T5aQE5D0ggec_IH_Cw&zoo m=1&iact=hc&vpx=722&vpy=261&dur=212&hovh=194&hov w=259&tx=203&ty=108&sig= &page=1 &tbnh=124&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:14,s: 0,i:178
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More Websites I used ort.html ort.html m=1&hl=en&biw=984&bih=625&tbm=isch&tbnid=I6DdKT3YFZ PXwM:&imgrefurl= Ways-To-Make-People-Happy-The-President-Obama- Way&docid=O- aLffF_kMfQIM&imgurl= jpg&w=520&h=447&ei=5CKQT_DfHsaJgwe3z7HMBA&zoom=1 &iact=rc&dur=467&sig= &page=1&t bnh=121&tbnw=141&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:7 3&tx=72&ty=46
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