Have you ever broken a bone? Which one? How long did it take to heal? BELLWORK
Fracture = Broken bone Healing time depends on which bone it is, and severety of fracture BONE FRACTURES
Open (compound) – broken bone penetrates skin Closed (simple) – bone does not penetrate skin OPEN VS. CLOSED
Completely through bone at a right angle to axis of bone Associated with trauma TRANSVERSE
Occurs at any other angle than a right angle OBLIQUE FRACTURE
Spiral fractures are caused by twisting a bone excessively Common in sports fractures SPIRAL FRACTURE
Incomplete break to the convex surface of the bend in the bone Common in children because their bones are more flexible GREENSTICK
Bone breaks into many fragments Common in older age due to brittle bones High impact or crushing injury COMMINUTED
Broken bone ends are forced into each other Common in fall injuries when one tries to break their fall with outstretched arms IMPACTED
Incomplete Usually caused from repeated stress/pressure to tibia or fibula FISSURE/HAIRLINE
1. Blood vessels rupture when the bone breaks creating a blood filled swelling called a hematoma. 2. Soft callus forms from some cartilage matrix, bone matrix, and collagen fibers. 3. Osteoblasts (form bone) and osteoclasts (dissolve bone cell) form bony callus. 4. Bony callus is remodeled by osteoclasts. FRACTURE HEALING
Put the following steps in order and describe what happens at each step. Bony callus Remodeling Soft callus Hematoma EXIT TICKET